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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Ahahahahaahhaaa, oh my. I've never seen this clip before in my life.
  2. It means he's watched some Danny Dyer films and he now thinks he's from South London but he's actually from a nice little village somewhere. And its not spelt 'sigh'. You si.
  3. Or they could just make them out of half decent alu, whichever. Everyone forgets they're not trials-specific brakes.
  4. Sweet as a nut mate, sweet like tropicana.
  5. With some rough maths that £24K p/a. as the most you'd earn in your life (unles you went with a different path) I'm looking to start on that kinda money.
  6. Lucozade and a bag of Marks and sparks salt and vinegar crisps sorts me right out.
  7. Has your mum's clutch been repaired after our ride the other day?
  8. The one where you pull the lever and copy topics in Trials Chat.
  9. I disagree, he's a faggot.
  10. Avid BB7 Hope 185mm Gothic Rotor KuStuM BallErZ inner i nicked from work. Clarks outer of some sort Filed and ground outer with perfect perpendicular ends for feel good at brake lever handle. BB7 standard pads XTR lever Top Secret KuStuM BallErZ Drilled zip tie for mega weight save
  11. N.Wood


    Nah mang, lighter ratios make this kinda thing much easier. The quicker you can accellerate, the higher you can get. The faster you hit the wall, the lower/harder you can tap, which = higher. Hard gears mean you can't generate enough speed.
  12. Tart have you given yourself the title of CEO or does Dave get that honour? I got: English Lit:B English Language:B Dual Award Science:B Spanish: C DT: (99% on exam and i got a...): D Food Technology: B Maths: B Geography: A In no particular order.
  13. You can't CNC steel like you can with alu, and its a bit of a b*****d to bend th tube correctly.... I presume.
  14. About 14 miles each way, so 28 mile round trip. All done by train and DLR (Docklands Light Railway, like a monorail jobbie) But it takes around 40 mins each way.
  15. I work 5 days a week (8-5 or 11-8), have a girlfriend in Plymouth (other end of the country), riding to do, friends to see, cider to drink, family to keep happy etc. So i guess I'm a normal working man. Just gotta prioritise, compromise and.... er... energise I'm used to going on a 'fast pace' though anyways, living and working in London means you get mown down if you walk slow or whatever.
  16. Not sure why i said it twice though.
  17. The reaon they work for BT selling people shit is 'cos they're thick as shit. It comes with the territory.
  18. If i'm bored, i have a chat with them, tell them you have no phone and no landline (they're thick as shit) and they'll say 'what if you want to call friends?' and all that. Justsay you have no friends. I had some bird saying i should change my ways and go get some friends. Chill out a bit and have some fun.
  19. Send it back to the f**ker you bought it off. though he won't be able to help you
  20. Stay in education for as long as you possibly can. If you leave education, you may be earning £13K more than your mates in school for 2 yers, but they'll get a job afterwards that pays £20K and while you could only hope to get £20K in your whole career while the sky is the limit for them. Well, thats how i feel about it anyway.
  21. N.Wood


    The '6.5' litre twin turbo V12 in the S65 is more baller for sure. I want a CLK DTM by the way.
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