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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Best rim i ever bought. But whatever, everyone says they're shit so they must be right.
  2. I dunno, but i helped a very small Chinese woman get her pram onto a train yesterday.
  3. I live in London and go to uni in Plymouth, making me the best person to be in the world.
  4. Tarty Raffle soft grips or whatever. Nice grips, i hate not having an enclosed end though, they seem to have a need to meet in the middle of my bars and mate.
  5. If you throw your bike because its broken/you can't do something, you ARE a f**ktard.
  6. I didn't like it i'm afraid, looked rough and sketchy.
  7. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=b0zDIyAKdak
  8. I'll be working Saturday so i'll look out the window i think.
  9. Nick Nicky Woody Woodford Woodlington
  10. Got an Iron Horse Sunday the shop i work at, its pretty sweet.
  11. Very nice Darren, very nice! Wish i had the time to actually ride these days
  12. The next big ride is on the 15th September when i go back to uni.
  13. Ay?! Why on earth is the rider stupid?! Only person to blame is the dog owner, if its a stray then it just shit luck.
  14. Replies are meaningless without tape-measure pictures. I have no idea how far i can gap
  15. Ride more trials. Google bodybuilding forums.
  16. More drunk driving is definately a good thing...
  17. What car is it going on?
  18. So to sum this thread up, no matter how hard you make your life seem, we all have jobs, all have girlfriends, all have friends blah blah blah. Its how you handle them that is the important bit.
  19. sXe 4 lyfe. Tell you what though, marks and sparks Sesame rolls, battered/breaded chicken, mayo, peppered tommy K, and some dece rocket salad and you have one orgasm in a bun.
  20. Cancel the order, get a refund, ring up Tartybikes, sorted.
  21. I rode more last year than i ever have in my life I rode when i was meant to be attending lectures 'cos it was sunny, i rode during studyleave, i rode if there was a big ride on... I basically divided my time between the gf, my bike, my bed and the pub.
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