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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. You can whack some grease in there by making a hole in the plastic end cap, inserting a grease gun and pumping some in till it comes out the crank end. I've been through about 6 pairs in 5 or so years, but only 1 pair has gone 'cos of the bearings, the rest have snapped/threaded/bent to f**k. I love VP's, they be rad.
  2. N.Wood


    I've given up on pints of Strongbow recently, and stuck with decent cider to start with, then been hitting the good old Snakebites and it seems to be much kinder to me in the morning.
  3. Jeepers, commas were invented for a reason. Full stops are for the end of sentences. Sounds like a sweet club you were at!
  4. Thats a sweet tat you gots yourself there. Hope you get better, your eye looks pretty mangled... Don't like to be kicked, i heard.
  5. yeh i'll probably be around or something.
  6. N.Wood


    Spend the £20 it takes for new pads first and see how you go.
  7. With all due respect, can you not make it up? I doubt your teacher will know the difference between a 72 and 73.6 degree headangle, it'll all be gobledeegook anyway. So if you're struggling for review and you like the look of, say, a Belaey frame, then theres no harm in saying it rides well too.
  8. Aliaga which is near Andorra.
  9. As in South Hams i presume, so Totnes kinda area. Ok, go to Totnes station and get a train to Plymouth which will be 2/3 stops. Get off and enjoy the ride.
  10. www.cogs-bikes.com Looks nice sonny
  11. You realise Devon isn't a little village right? It may be useful to know whereabouts in Devon you are going.
  12. Easy on the details sonny! Try www.observedtrials.net for Aussies.
  13. I think you need a girlfriend.
  14. You f**kers. My gf just rang me saying she was there watching him.
  15. N.Wood

    Random Stuff

    ... You'd be right
  16. If you reply to people like that, are you really suprised?
  17. I like a bit of Lucozade along with all the usual stuff. I was reading the label when i was bored the other day, and it said 'dos not replace lost fluids when you have the shits' or along those lines. Which got me thinking... Whatever is sold to replace electrolytes/fluids during the shits, surely that'd be great as a hangover cure?
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