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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Would that not be the G C G then? Well anyway its a nice name, hope your vandalism goes well
  2. Hi there, I'm 11.4 stone. What does your name mean?
  3. Might be riding a bit this weekend, but gotta go to Totnes for me bros birthday Saturday arvo/sunday. I'll see.
  4. 5 million pixles? Jesus, thats like 56 more than i have. I'm only going on what i can see, and that looks to be just under a bikes length
  5. Akon just made the video for me, he has amazing lyrical talent. I liked the video, clearly a very good rider.. but something about the style looked odd and i can't put my finger on it.
  6. Pretty sure i could wedge that gap?! Sweet pics anyway, nice 1 declan.
  7. Gots maself a joint a' weed a' england.
  8. Sweet deal, cheers bey. Dunno what the transportation situation is like at the mo.
  9. Not always, the womens ones can be aquired with a thinner ceramic plate so you can twist as you straighten to get curls. GHD's are pretty expensive, seem to work well but theres not too much to a straightening iron. Nikki Clarke are really good apparenty. Hahaha yes I'm a boy talking about straighteners hahaha no i don't straighten my hair i have a girlfriend you bunch o' virgins.
  10. AKA the f**king A-Team. Its always the tiem of year, we've been ridin dirty through all weathers. Was t-shirt and short weather last weekend. See you kids there.
  11. ? What are you saying? The point is that if the use of fossil fuels is controlled, they'll never run out. Once the technology is available to make some oil resource bases econimically viable (or the oil price goes up), those resources will be able to be tapped. Oil extraction is about 40% efficient at best (most metal ores being around 95% efficient) This means theres alot more oil left in the ground than people think.
  12. Theres currently about 1.7 trillion barrels of oil thats in reserves (if you dunno the difference between oil reserves/resources/resource bases take a look). Places like Saudi have huge oil fields that they still havn't told anyone about yet. If you have a f**kton of oil, would you really want the rest of the world knowing about it? Especially the whole Bush causing wars to gain oil dealio. Fossil fuels will NEVER run out, they're being created today. However we're using them so much faster than they're being produced, which is why everyone gets worked up. Current price of a barrel of oil is ~ $100. 5 years ago it was ~$10.
  13. N.Wood


    2D's come with a vented peak anyway?
  14. N.Wood


    Look way better with the peak on. Mines been good.
  15. Excellent as always Janson
  16. Cost of alu (for example) is rising because of inflation. Its cheaper to produce aluminium now than it ever was. Bauxite (aluminium ore) is available in huge numbers. When adjusted for inflation, metal prices have dropped significantly over the past 80 years.
  17. Yeah replace the heat element and revel in the horrible smell the new one will give off for a few days!
  18. You can bet your god damn bottom dollar dollar bill, sir.
  19. I found my old Monty ones too thin for my hands, my hands had to curl round the bars too much and ended up being uncomfortable. Other than that, they were great - Nice and light, and soaked up sweat in the summer.
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