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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Turns out my axle is bob-on, but my driveside bearing is f**ked. Cogs had better be able to redeem themselves by supplying me with a new bearing...
  2. Cortina or something else RWD? Or Mini. EDIT: Did I mean Cortina or Capri? I think Capri.
  3. I think... Can't get it out atm, waiting on instruction. Either that or the bearings are f**ked. Who knows. I should probably stop doing those HUGE dropgaps like Tunni does.
  4. N.Wood

    Zhi News

    Excellence components.
  5. My Pro2 is in bits on the floor. Rad!
  6. Full time university student with no job.
  7. I look at things like this: Which is a granite under a microscope.
  8. I should be out after about 3 i recon. You got your forks Cookybey?
  9. Yeah BMX forks and trials forks are completely different and are similar/the same in length as stock forks. BMX forks are usually made of steel and weigh alot more.
  10. Try looking down a microscope for 3 hours... HEADACHE-VILLE.com amirite fellow microscope dudes?!
  11. Hilltop Hoods - The Nosebleed Section
  12. Hexagons in London (R.I.P ) That was amazing.
  13. There was a vid of me on Trashzen years ago doing a similar thing, will try and find the link Few hints and tips here
  14. In the afternoon Matt, yessir.
  15. Gotts keep my Street Training schedule up to date if I'm gonna beat Tunni!
  16. Oh well if Darrens going Saturday then thats it!
  17. Tarty, are you listening?!
  18. Oh go on then, but just this once! Should be out in the afternoon, will let you know.
  19. Dunno if I've replied to this before or not, but i should be there.
  20. Alright jizz, yeah there are lots of people who ride in Plymouth which is a short train journey away.
  21. Not drunk as such, but i just came back from the library and I pretty much can't walk (sitting down for around 13 hours) and can't see (lookign at a computer for around 15 hours). Good times!
  22. Sweet deal, whats the song Traaah?
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