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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Change religion to Hinduism. They have a religeous festival soon, the Birthday of Sri Rama Krishna. Thats gotta be like Christmas or something right?
  2. Google.com Yell.com Local directory?
  3. Black... white is all the colours mixed together, black is an absense of colour. Or something... Maybe.
  4. Is that a good old King skippage from Bigman there?
  5. A dual ply Maxxis super tacky rear tyre Plazmatic CRMS Decent frame such as a Czar/Ozonys/Atomz.
  6. Do you know what orange peel in relation to cars is?
  7. You live there so it must be.
  8. If Rowan Johns, Ali C and Hermance had a love triangle going on, I'd like to be their baby when it comes to riding style. Only jump off something you can get up.
  9. Mr Hot Engineering Novelties, why should I buy this over a King or Tensile ACE?
  10. N.Wood


    Just as a suggestion, for another video of yours i'd like to see them on a natural setting, hopping up a slanted rock forwards and such. Sounds like they make an ok noise though
  11. Thats how us Kent ballers roll.
  12. Its a bit of granite with a plaque on it, though I've never bothered to read what it says. questions@plymouthcouncil.gov may be able to help you.
  13. Dude theres no quick, easy way of getting money, otherwise everyone would be doing it. Sell your stuff is the most viable option, if you have a Playstation thats about £100 or so, old bike bits, whatever. Ask your parents if they have any jobs you could do for a bit of dollar, ask neighbours if they need lawns cutting/cars washed etc. Paper round?
  14. Not unless you have a driveside bearing for a Pro2 Mike?
  15. Todays been pretty much the best day of my life.
  16. Bullshit, theres thousands of combinations of numbers it could be, that'd take more like 10 hours not 1/2 hour.
  17. N.Wood

    Using Up Clips.

    ...Then why not just wait till you get the new camera?
  18. N.Wood

    Using Up Clips.

    Just a random question, why does everyone nowadays feel the need to 'use up' clips? Surely you could just delete them? Not like they're carrots and will start to go off before you eat them?
  19. I live in West Wickham, Bromley Do you have msn?
  20. I mean i think you've been convinced that its not the greatest plan in the world, but to get over the small problem of a lock, you could just use a combination lock and save the 40p or whatever it is to send a key.
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