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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Thats what happens if you try to run before you can walk. If you can't do it perfect everytime off a 6 foot drop, whats the point in going any higher?
  2. Good to see more than 1 move per shot, rather than shitty single moves. Overall the riding was pretty good too
  3. Cheers... I snapped my standard Kingz springzzzzz, needed to ride so bodged it up by drilling a hole in the already snapped part. This shortened the spring by 15mm or so, but made it work really well as i only needed one spring due to it being shorter/stiffer. I'm planning on making a load up when I go home where are the power tools are at.
  4. N.Wood

    Dob Rims

    Yeah washers will work fine, i did that as a last resort on an old Mavic rim that was cracked around the spoke holes, and it was absolutely fine.
  5. To add to the thread, generally if you land on a round rail or other rounded object, it'll have a nice curved dent that won't affect strength much at all. Though sometimes if you land really hard on a sharp corner it'll give a V shaped dent and these tend to form cracks more easily due to all the stress being concentrated at the point.
  6. Haha I remember filming some of that shit back in the day, good times.
  7. I use 2 layers - with the sticky sides stuck to each other to form a non-sticky strip.
  8. Thas' how we do it round here!
  9. Luke's offer is better it has to be said.
  10. We still have lots of oil...
  11. Theres a section of upside-down chain. Tensioner looks really good by the way As for hacksaw blades replacing 74Kingz ones, do you still use 2? how well do they hold their tension?
  12. Yeah you can. I really hate ffw though, it destroyed my f**kin £20 pair of cords
  13. I gots some semi-worn out tarty raffle grips you can have for the measly price of a drink and some food.
  14. Other than (hopefully) lower price, what does this tensioner do differently to the ones currently on the market?
  15. N.Wood


    Good luck with the future!
  16. Just good old fashioned rain here so far.
  17. Bump of a sort - thanks for this Mark!
  18. Soaking it in penetrating lube usually helps a bit. Tightening it up slightly can break the seal if it'll go that way easier.
  19. I think Sony sell some Bob?
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