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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. I went into 6th form to do my AS/A Levels and am now in my second year at uni doing Applied Geology. I can't really add much more other than agree with what Adam and Rowan have said.
  2. Good stuff, enjoyed it lots. Good mix of moves and nice lines.
  3. its good shit. Morrissey - Suedehead.
  4. This is f**king bullshit I found the video very boring - the same sidehop 4 times, why do I need to see that? A wall is a wall, they were all fairly similar heights in there, so why put in all 35 or whatever it was someone counted of the same move on different walls? If you had got up the wall, gapped to something else, then tapped up another wall, it'd still be TGS riding, but it would make a MUCH better video. And its clear you're capable of getting up big walls... Your 'if no one appreciates my vid on here i won't bother making another one' comment was pretty silly in my eyes. Giving up on something just because some people don't like what you produced makes you very weak spirited. Most people have given you advice on how you could improve future videos (that you'll have to find another foum to post on...), you can't produce something thinking 'this is 100% perfect, if anyone disagrees they're wrong' unless you're an arrogant twat.
  5. Bit offtopic, but how far away from wellington rocks is toad rocks? a ride awya or car journey? I was riding wellington rocks with a mate of mine a few days ago, was pretty good
  6. Suprised none of us saw you, there was like 10 of us out throughout the day today! I'll PM you my number.
  7. I cracked my forks today, just above the disk mount. They're KOT forks that I've had for about 3 years, so good.
  8. My parents are going on Sunday, I'm back at uni though
  9. Yesterday it was Coke with lemon. Today it was Kopparberg. Tommorow, who knows?
  11. I'd take the RS6 estate to Tartys and see what takes my eye.
  12. Generally in excellent condition, I know everyone who I've ridden there with is concious of the fact it is a war memorial. No one goes to bash on purpose, and does their best to keep anything hard away from the walls. They're oolitic sandstone walls, and rubber appears to mark them badly, but infact the rubber particles just blow off with the wind. We've always moved on when asked to, I for one feel slightly uncomfortable riding it, but I do now and again
  13. MF Doom and his aliases. Cunnylinguists some RJD2 stuff
  14. Not neccesarily, most people on here who are 'sponsored' get money off items or free things like pads/t-shirts. Only the big ballers get free bikes/frames. There are loads of people out there who arn't sponsored but are much better riders/ambassadors for the sport than certain people who are sponsored
  15. I think the easiest bit of a frame to snap would be the rear triangle, but even if someone stood on it, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to do anything other than bend it a bit.
  16. FOr taking cassettes off freehubs, you use it to keep the cassette/cog from moving while you undo the lockring without damaging the cog.
  17. Best riding i've seen for a while, rad.
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