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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Yeah dawg. bring your camera or something. or maybe a bbq. or beer. or something.
  2. Gonna have to agree with this little fellow.
  3. Should be fine, the only real difference in thickness I've come across is the oem Avid BB7 ones compared to Hope and the like, the Avids being slightly thinner. This is, (I presume), because of the single sided design of the BB calipers, so the disk will bend to the side easier making it easier on the lever. However I've swapped to and from Hope to Avids on my BB7 and noticed no descernable difference
  4. Saw this on OTN, really nice, cheers Would like to see some other moves other than ups to fronts/hoo-ha's (as you all call 'em ), but generally was good
  5. Thats a sweet Royal jersey you got there! i liked some of those gap drop to kerbs/lines, real nice.
  6. Oh lawds, is that a tie-die t-shirt i see?! Nice lines.
  7. Good stuff Adam, rides real nice
  8. Great for comp-style thangs, as cookybey has said they tend to give a fairly 'dull' grind. Fronts are good though, and rears are fine if you arn't a basher.
  9. Has your Avid bedded in yet?
  10. Ahh well if Darrens there... I'll be around somewhere I'm sure.
  11. maybe if you made a decent topic you'd get validated and play with the big boys where its not boring?
  12. Should be out bey Do you know your way around? We'll usually be at Copthorne by like 11/12 (depending on hangovers) then work our way down to the hoe (seafront) over the course of the day.
  13. Word, and 6 hours a week teaching may sound better than 21, but it means you have to do all the work yourself, rather then being taught it. Alot of courses are 'babyfed' and are provided the majority of the material to learn, other you have to get out there and do it yourself.
  14. Equally, not everyone is the same. Reccomendations are good, but you need to ask whats best for YOU. With any luck, one uni that you visit (and visit as many as you can!) will stand out - for Tom that was Aberwhatsit, for me it was Plymouth. I knew i didn't want to go north of about Oxford, so my search was along the south coast, from Brighton to Falmouth (Cornwall) and ended up in Plymouth. If you're doing photography type stuff, maybe concentrate on the well known London universitys?
  15. Anyone have any pictures of this venue? Is it rocks or banks or man made or..?
  16. Theres gonna be a whole episode dedicated to trials crashes now ain't there...
  17. "Scientology' and dress up like Tom Cruise.
  18. I think you should just make loads of money from being a professional trials rider.
  19. I recon this is seriously easy money, they put any shit on there thats clearly staged, me doing a shitty 270-to-elbow on grass or summat would be spot bollock, £250, boom. I think Frika's famous one has been on there, too.
  20. Glen my mum and dad went to uni, and look at them... They got a f**king ELECTRIC garage door. Damn son...
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