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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Me! oh my god this is so cool, the teacher totally can't see me!
  2. I went from a +0ish Koxx Levelboss to a +55 Echo Hifi and found it gave me much more confidence on the back wheel, but I couldn't tap as well and geting up stuff to 2 wheels was harder because of the bb height. I then changed to a +35 Czar and foudn it to suit me perfectly, with the possible exception of the chainstays being a tad too short.
  3. So in conclusion, you should probably just buy some Plazmatic CRMS.
  4. Think I'm gonna be on the hoe with a bbq and a girlfriend on the Sunday.
  5. Best vid i've seen this year I recon, well sweet! My gf wants your autograph btw.
  6. Adam built my 7th hand 1997 Mavic CD onto a Hope and after 2 years in my hands, still as true as it ever was and I've not touched it at all. Would whole heartedly recommend
  7. N.Wood

    Khe Chains

    In what way are they the 'number one'?
  8. Got the first of my second year uni exams tommorow, fun fun fun!
  9. N.Wood


    Neither here nor there, never bought them out of choice, only eat them if theres nothing better.
  10. Worlds greatest burge Looks liek some fun sections, thanks.
  11. Best 2 years of my life so far...
  12. Reet meeeht! I liked it lots, is that Liskeard or somewhere like that?
  13. I order 99% of my stuff from Tarty, but the one time i did use Trials-Uk, iplaced the order, Dan rang me saying they didn't have the part but sent me another cog from a different brand (£5 more expensive) and that was here next day or something, so that was excellent service. Not had any troubles from Select either.
  14. N.Wood

    Bigman Vid 5

    Good stuff Adam
  15. Really liked it, some good lines. Cheers!
  16. Really good vid, excellent
  17. Lighter, cheaper? I dunno, I run a Pro2
  18. That is the best video I've ever seen.
  19. Sold my standard ISO with one crushed bolt hole for £120
  20. Hopefully I'll be able to see some street training in action tommorow!
  21. Sounds like you have then, would you like to give us a review?
  22. A : If he already has a degree, he won't be at uni anymore and therefore won't have a 'proffesor' B : His 'proffesor' is extremely unlikely to be Deng or into trials, and therefore won't be able to answer his question.
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