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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. I'll make you a double out of bricks and tramp towels next time we go Gee.
  2. N.Wood

    Mens Clothing

    Jack Wills is, in my opinion the most bullshit clothing brand there is. At least with H&M you don't pay £40 for a t-shirt.
  3. N.Wood


    From the album: Woody's world of crap

  4. Any of you cats know some decent places around Plymouth that arn't the usual spots? Across the Tamar to Cremyll, across to Mount Batten etc, there much good stuff going on? Cheers then!
  5. N.Wood

    Mens Clothing

    What do you consider 'Top brands'?
  6. When you're at a fairly low standard its not so bad, but once things start getting bigger you have a long way to fall usually. If you look at anyone gapping (for ease, look at the Damon Watson video 7 on't vids page) they put so much effort into the pedals that if the chain snaps, all your force is going in to sending you flipping over the bars. If you're dropping off something, you go face first into the ground, if gapping up to front you go face first into the ledge you're going up to, etc. Really ain't a good thing. Always hit your bollocks too
  7. That frame is a right hoare, looks good though Alex.
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