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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. I've ridden a ghetto 'flatbank' (12 foot tall steep sloped flat-ish bit of concrete) with a grass and gravel run up in the wet on a 1095 Czar before, was a laugh.
  2. A tourer. thats all i know.
  3. N.Wood

    Mens Clothing

    Not always, no. I'm currently wearing some Reef boardies which don't have netting.
  4. I did it ages ago on my old maggie, looks good but oxidizes and goes to shit pretty soon without laquer or constant re-polishing.
  5. Just like 'right i need to get over there' and my next thought is 'right I'm over here, what next'
  6. I could tap on my old Levelboss (+5mm) then changed to a hifi (+55mm) and couldnt tap for shit then changed to a Czar (+35mm) and can now tap loads better. So in my experience, its easier to tap low bb bikes.
  7. Exactly, this is a common problem that people often overlook.
  8. Erm... No. I don't know who that is. AndyT = Andrew Tonkery who made the Hermance in Colorado series, the best Koxxdays vids, the FTC trials series etc. If you're new to trials you may not have heard of him, but there hasn't been a better video out since his films from Colorado and Koxxdays.
  9. BB7 is the best brake I've used over my 6ish years as a trialster-er.
  10. What difference does having a metal pad backing as opposed to a plastic pad backing have on the 'biting power'? The pad material is exactly the same, hold may be a different story (less flex...) but an increase in bite? Nahhhhhh....
  11. Ha, someone at school got dropped off in their dads helicoptor for a normal day of school once. I seem to remember my mum dropped me off for my leavers party, no one was really concerned what you got dropped off in, was more interesting talking to people. Some did get dropped off in Ferraris/Bentleys/Porsches, but they were their parets normal cars anyway. A girl was droped off in a chavved up limo, but had to get dropped outside the school grounds (200m walk to the car park) because of the tight corner you have to turn
  12. I'd rather live in a nice area than have to carry a spanner in my pocket when i'm off to get some milk.
  13. Anything AndyT and Kevin Shiramizu have ever made ever.
  14. At the moment it'd be Orange Juice because i'm slightly thirsty, but had it been any other time I'd have voted the 'non-shit cider' option.
  15. What i did see what pretty damn good, but the music is annoying and its shuddery as f**k.
  16. Ride some natural to help with balance and control.
  17. Looked like some fairly big riding going on, but to look at you setting up for stuff I'd think you've been riding trials for a year or so, looked really uncontrolled. Big gaps though
  18. Ain't all that fun if you're riding, still got a scar on my leg from an attempted hurricane in a pub garden.
  19. Glen did try to push his little finger in my tunnel of love when i bent over to pick up a pretty stone i found, and it appears Ot is gay too.
  20. Mine was noisy as f**k on the DOB bro.
  21. Why don't you just marry him already, jeez.
  22. Where are the huge forests of rubber trees to supply the world with rubber? Is it all done by hand like in the African desert?
  23. Don't be such a basher? You won't feel 100g, especially on the rear. Only the difference from going to a new tyre from a bald one.
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