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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Yeah sitting pretty well, chainline is fairly straight but will check it in more detail. Yes the parts are new. Yeah seems to fit together well. Pro2, and yeah internals are good. seem to have ok chainwrap, I had this problem with 22:18 and solved it with a half link, but that snapped and I'm not too keen on running one. Cheers. Chainline seemed pretty straight, tensioner is a 74kingz so isn't too susceptible to being bent. Cheers!
  2. Looking at it now, that bike looks horribly set up. I think you could do alot better for £40.
  3. That Calibra is f**king sick like you wouldn't believe. The woman who drives it is so attractive too
  4. So I've got an '07 Czar. I also have brand new Trialtech sprockets front and rear, brand new Kool chain, and a 74Kingz tensioner. I'm running 18:15. The chain skips under 'rolling' loads such as taps/half pedal taps/ups to front/rolling gaps, but not on static moves. It gets alot worse when the chain is not super tightened by the tensioner. There is a fair bit of slack in the chain, but not enough to take out a link. I've been running it now for... 4 or so days. Other than letting it bed in (which will take how long?), what have you cats with a Czar and 18:15 done about it? Cheers then!
  5. N.Wood

    Matt Staples

    Makes me wanna ride St.Pauls again! Really miss those blocks at Tate too
  6. N.Wood

    Being Ill

    I had that in Spain, had a week of doing field work in July out there, got sun stroke style thang and fell asleep in my fleece in my tent in the middle of the day cos I was freezing... Woke up and I was in a nice pool of sweat cos it was like 50 degrees in my tent. Anyways, I think everyone gets that at some time during their uni career, I've had it a couple of times, its shit
  7. The dirtiest pasty I can find
  8. Alex can you bring all my shit please cheers brotato
  9. N.Wood

    New Video Of Me :)

    Wasn't expecting that, was pleasantly suprised...Nice one
  10. You'll be fine, just don't do any massive taps... Oh wait.
  11. Bulmers and Magners are different drinks, but owned by the same group. Its something to do with Bulmers being the original cider made by the group, but they wanted to intorduce a new, interesting brand, therefore Magners came about to stir up interest. The group then re-introduced Bulmers off the back of Magners success and will slowly phase out Magners. Similar deal to Kopparberg, they're gonna introduce another Swedish brand called Rekorderlig because Wetherspoons bought out the rights to most Kopparberg flavours and now they can't sell them as widely as they'd like.
  12. Sweet spokes bro! Where are your wheelcards?
  13. f**kin ell bey! Nice one Jonny, good shit.
  14. With any luck I can snap my chain again!
  15. Viz or the beefier Trialtech one (if you don't have Echo cranks/Gu bash/ENO)
  16. I'd rather see pics of you riding it.
  17. Yeah, maybe it is a bad fork? But someone would rather spend £7 on a booster than £40+ on a better fork. And refering to a koxx fork, they flex as well... Also rumours of magura mounts cracking sooner without a booster so they ma be combatting that. If you saw someone with a koxx fork and booster, maybe ask them?
  18. Why is it useless? If the forks were flexy as f**k the brake would feel horrible.
  19. Indeed, nice sidehops and tucks guys!
  20. Bretonside Bus station, Plymouth.
  21. Really? I doubt a company is gonna say 'well he's exactly what we're looking for, but for that sentence we're gonna have to say no'
  22. Didn't your mum ever tell you never to cut towards yourself?
  23. N.Wood

    Front Brake

    I always cover my front brake, but usually just have my finger on the lever not pulling it on.
  24. Its just stripping and polishing with Autosol/Brasso... people have been doing it for years
  25. A full sus for road riding?
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