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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. You gotta f**king beast it basically. Similar dealio to a wheelswap, compress into the bike with your front wheel suspended on the other side of the wall, and spring up with your arms and legs while pushing forwards to land on the rear tyre. Its a knack more than anything, and its harder to do on the new school high bb/small chainring bikes, though i guess you're on a mod.
  2. Nice one Adam, looks like you're improving all the time
  3. Erm, I'm pretty sure James knows Dre better than you do.
  4. N.Wood

    Dan Brooker

    Right I watched it again, and I liked it, one thing annoyed me ever so slightly though... Where you get right over the back of the bike when starting a run up, as you would do with a short run up tap or whatever, which is fine. But the run up wasn't that short, and you didn't pedal all the way to the wall, which you could have one if you started in a normal position. Looks like you do it for effect more than power. Good looking taps though.
  5. If my hub comes today I may well be out later.
  6. sidehops because they're the only trick i can do, but i can do massive ones so its ok.
  7. N.Wood

    Dan Brooker

    I liked the video, riding was pretty good. Are you sponsored by Tartybikes out of interest? How many Vincent Hermance films do you watch a day? I'd like to ride some of those lines and see how they are in real life.
  8. "I could eat a knob at night" - Karl Pilkington
  9. What apart from the other people in the world who are alot better than him?
  10. At the college over the river from the Tate? That was savage!
  11. Better get a booster on the rear there! Looks rad, nice work.
  12. I expected a picture of some peppers there...
  13. That is correct I believe. I don't have a problem really, other than my next door neighbours having no jobs at all, recieving benefits because the father of the 3 children has a bad leg (which doesn't stop him climbing a ladder apparently) and the mum not working. The kids are 'home schooled' and rarely see them doing other than sitting in the garden. Not that they have a partiularly extravagent lifestyle, but they have filled their back garden area with useless shit like gnomes. Though this is generally because they're the worst humans I've ever come across for other reasons but I won't go into that. My grandparents both recieve benefits, my grandad because he is the carer for my grandma (who has Altzheimers) and my grandma because she is the 'carer' for my grandad (who has authritus). The fact she is in a home and would be unable to do anything for my grandad has passed the government by it seems, and they have more money than they could possibly want because they had a good pension/savings plus all the benefits.
  14. f**king Andrei Burton ain't it! Someone asked if it was me yesterday. And I dunno, but other than Falmouth I guess we're the closest uni?
  15. I have 2 '07s sitting infront of me and NEITHER of them have any numbers on them at all, let alone a date.
  16. I'm generally pretty good, think my worst was when I was in France downhilling, these blokes followed us down the hill and one of them asked the other 'where we off to next then?' and i thought he was talking to me so said 'ah i dunno, might go to the pub' and no one said anything, it was silent 'cos it was in the middle of a mountain and they just went 'ok then' and left after a minute or so silence. I was also sick on a girl i fancied leg in a pool club. But I'm still going out with her 1.5ish years on Oh and I was sick in the shape of a Nike tick in some girls front room when about 40 people were in there watching Family Guy. Then was sick on her wall, and her Mercedes. But I don't really care about that one, I had a laugh.
  17. Felix for smoothest, and out of f**king nowhere comes Dale Gribble as best SM.
  18. Bestest foreigner - Janson
  19. Pretty sure they're not from the chuck, back in the day all of my 3 XC's did that, started off nice and round. Mine didn't affect anything, though I filed them down slightly to avoid them catching on anything untoward. Seem to remember there being posts about this a few times years ago, and we came to the conclusion its nothing to worry about
  20. Just f**ked my third Pro2, excellent
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