Exactly, you seem very clued up on the subject which is good to see!
I dunno if any one knows how hard it is to find oil now the obvious places have been exploited (i.e a huge anticline in a shale parasequence {a big hill in a [predominantly shale area}), but seismic techniques are getting better and better by the day, the resolution has improved massively over the past 3 or so years i've been 'interested' in oil.
As that technology gets better, the risk decreases as you have a better idea of whether you'll get a dry hole ( ) or not.
Increased certainty decreases costs which makes previously uneconomically viable sources viable. This = 'more' oil (or a reserve as we call it, money in the bank if you will) which is good for everyone.
The majority of North America and Canada is made up of oil shale, which has yet to be exploited and is estimated to yield over 6 trillion barrels of oil.
Aaaaaaaaaannnnyways, whats this thread about again?