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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. True, but you'll learn that once you get your technique dialled, theres no way to improve it so you look for other ways of helping yourself get up that wall/stay stronger for longer.
  2. Bullshit that girl was 12, she looked at least 15, and sounded like it too. (Tell that to the Police )
  3. The dude who won was a willy.
  4. Word... Anyways, nice one James
  6. I go out every day to continue my Street Training Programme (known herein by the moniker 'STP'). My STP consists of 4 hours of sidehops, followed by 15 minutes of yoga to help my tucks, then another hour of sidehops. During my STP I measure each stack of pallets and note it down in my log book (I call an STPLOG). Using this technique I continue to improve both height AND tucking ability in 1 easy to follow programme.
  7. Pics of you for reference?
  8. I was in the same position as you twice, and found the problem to be chain length... The first time I used a halflink bodged into a KMC Kool (chain wasn't logn enough to take a full link out of, but too long not to skip). This sorted me out and stopped the skipping. The second time was very recently and again found the chain to be too long, even though it wasn't hugely loose. I was running a 74Kingz and this pulled the chain away from the cog, reducing chainwrap. I then bought a Rohloff and that pushed the chain right up next to the cog, increasing chainwrap and stopping all skipping.
  9. N.Wood

    Weight Loss

    Pete, is that you?
  10. Old/worn cogs? How much chain wrap do you have? How straight is your mech hanger? How is your chainline?
  11. Well yeah, its gonna impact on some people, but there is always going to be a negative effect on someone somewhere no matter what you do. Lowering petrol taxes is for the good of the nation, but it has a negative effect on certain people. Just as a topical example.
  12. I tend to not feel sorry for machines as they can't think 'oh i wish i wasn't stuck in this job'
  13. If I go for a big shop at Sainsburys I bring my own cotton bags because they have larger handles and don't hurt my delicate little hands.
  14. Could you not just wait the 2 or so days it takes to get to the shops?
  15. N.Wood


    Cut down on stuff you don't need, drink before you go out, walk the extra 50 meters to Sainsburys rather than Co-op, buy second hand bike parts, transfer all your money to a high interest account... Usual things like that. Theres no making your £50 turn into £100 after a week, and no way you can make quick easy money otherwise everyone would be doing it. Get a job doing somethign menial, that'll help.
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