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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. There is bound to be some price increae because it carries the Try-All name... Look at the standard magnesium pedals to see that.
  2. I had them on a: Magura '04 with water bleed, Koxx Levelboss. Ground Onza Ronnie, smooth Onza Ronnie, Harsh as f**k ground Onza Ronnie, nothing worked. Went from Coust pads (original ones) that worked well to the yellows that were shocking, then to plaz CRMS that were amazing, all on the same set up. The one time in using a Magura I flipped out over the back due to my brake slipping.
  3. Gutted about this, I'll probably be midway between Devon and London when all the ridings going on, and I don't think i can make the turnaround from London to Oxford in time for any shenanigans
  4. I saw UFOs and Aliens next to it, then closed the page.
  5. Drugs are bad kids, theres your proof.
  6. N.Wood


    He has no brakes. Was definately fixie.
  7. Koxx Yellows are thw worst pads I've ever used, I'd avoid.
  8. I'm basically the best rider you will ever see in your life, seriously I'm f**king amazing. But when I ride.... man, I get the fear.
  9. Yeah, offshore windfarms cost a f**kton to set up and maintain though. You have all the problems you have on land, with the added problems of storms, saltwater corrosion, cabling to shore, fixing them to the bedrock which could be 100's meters below the sediment surface, shipping problems etc. It'd help a lot, but theres no way you can run our current energy needs on solar/wind/wave etc power, let alone the increased needs in years to come.
  10. Regarding alternitive energies, I'm pretty sure the deal at the moment is that: Wind Power - Expensive and no one wants them nearby. The majority of suitable locations have already been used, and it makes up less than 10% of the energy produced. Wave/Tidal power - Already used all possible locations, makes up about 5%. Solar energy - Not very efficient, expensive to set up and impossible to have industrial scale ones. So basically, those particular methods have been used to or near their maximum, with the current technology available. I'm unsure on how well biofuels rate so I havn't listed them, though from what I gather its only going to make up ~10% energy produced, maximum. Just too labour intensive at the moment, and you need a whole lot of field to make enough power to run a power station for a year... I personally think the only way is either bite the bullet and go Nuclear (but what will the long term effects of having all the radioactive waste lying about in the future? Who the f**k would want to live next to a nuclear power station? What about events such as Chernobyl? These all need to be figured out) or something ground breaking needs to be discovered.
  11. Not the first, second or third one I've seen go, I have to say.
  12. Was that a Try-All stem he snapped? nice pics.
  13. Stephen can we ride together again some time?
  14. I wish I could ride somewhere surrounded by sweaty men in shorts.
  15. Denied! So, trial biker ryan, has your question been answered?
  16. Ooooh... What does it mean? I wonder.
  17. Could you post a source for your theory?
  18. N.Wood


    London is rediculous on a Saturday, not great for riding.
  19. How do you think we make electricity?
  20. Have a look in the petrol price petition thread, some good info in there, can't be arsed typing all my stuff again. But its more than you think...
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