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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. But surely you'd have to have a good brain for accounting (in this case) otherwise they may as well hire a translator when they need one? Matey didn't specify if that was her only degree or not.
  2. Then why are you trying to impress us/valididate your point by telling us? Either way, In my profession (Applied Geology) a new graduate starts on around £21,000 in the South West.
  3. That is bullshit by the way... Well it is unless you do a shit course like Surf Science or summat.
  4. I don't work while I'm here, I just work hard during the summer to build up a bit of a cushion for when I go back, then I can just concentrate on uni/riding/whatever:)
  5. Its just the time, if it was the Sunday I'd be there, but Papa Bear is picking me up from here Saturday to go home, even if we left here at 8 somehow (which we wouldn't be able to anyway), by the time i've driven for 5 hours home, turned around and got to Oxford, i'd arrive to a field full of pallets and cottonreels and nothing else. Thanks for the offer though
  6. I so wanna go but I can't :'(
  7. 1. No 2. No, never heard of it before. 3. My heart says aviation, but my head says mortgages.
  8. N.Wood

    T33zr: Chill

    Haha, f**king rad, nice work!
  9. Is there a certain number of riders you can have on a team? Are we at the limit of riders? 'Cos surely it'd make sense to bring as many as possible to have a bigger chance of showing the UK's talent? I feel for you Ali
  10. f**king RJD2 - Exotic Talk followed by DJ Shadow - Artifact followed by MF DOOM as Viktor Vaughn - Saliva.
  11. Man, a nga knows he's in business when he pops his collar like that.
  12. Not overly, I ran one link in a KMC Kool and the only link to snap was the halflink...
  13. N.Wood

    Filing Rims

    Wouldn't one of they milling bits for drills work well?
  14. Well you could go wrong, considering they don't make a fixed rear hub. Go Echo '08
  15. Try a bit of silicone based lube.
  16. Featuring Porter bey and Andrei
  17. Pretty shit you had to take off from a slab
  18. N.Wood

    Burgling c**ts

    Sucks to hear that dude, hope something turns up! Guess thats one of the downsides living close to Croydon!
  19. Maybe thats how we like it? Eh? Eh?
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