Alot of my friends from school are earning more money than i am now, they're on like £14-£16k p/a doing various jobs from mechanics to retail etc.
Yeah sure they're earning more and don't have a student loan to pay back and have more expendable cash than some people. Good for them, and it seems like a good position to be in.
When I come out of uni I'll (hopefully) be going straight into a job earning more than they do, even with paying back my loan. I've saved about £3k of my loan from the past 2 years which may or may not have been worth doing, but hasn't affected me in many ways.
Also, the ceiling on the jobs I'm looking at are £100k+, whereas many of my friends who didn't go to uni will be earning £20k p/a for the rest of their lives.
Not to mention the social/networking/oppotunities you miss out on by not going to uni.
Theres likely to be a bias to the discussion, with each party (students and non students) saying they're in the stronger position, but theres no way in hell I'd miss out on uni now I've experienced it, and will hopefully be in a position to be able send my kids to uni in the future.