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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. I just had a seizure, thanks.
  2. All I used to do when this happened was find a bolt of the same size as the one thats now nicely sheared off inside your squared off bit, and cut a wedge out the end of it so the plate of metal just about fits in, then whack it all back together.
  3. N.Wood


    Taken me a while to post in this, though I've read the whole lot. Rob is one of my favorite members on this forum, kept me entertained at night on MSN, introduced me to Zubrowka vodka and all the magical drinks it can become. First time I met him was in London when he came over for the Buy-All tour, and at first he was pretty nervous/shy/out of his depth when I said hi, but he soon warmed to the way of us Londoners and joined in with the jokes Staples, Chai and I made. He had a great sense of humour and huge knowlege of all things trials. He will be sorely missed.
  4. N.Wood

    Front Vee

    Could you get a picture of it up? Might help us help you
  5. Wonder what happened to the Hardman Brothers... What an odd pair.
  6. Back when I was Madbiker66, rad.
  7. Well thats what happens when you're an international musical star.
  8. Older than the internet, but I'd ride one so hard right now.
  9. Yeah starts to 'cloud' at about 0 degrees where the parrafin starts to solidify, and the whole lot turns into a gel at about -15 degrees.
  10. Excellent video, really enjoyed it. Not my choice of music, but as with all your vids with a similar style, it worked. My only 'criticism' is some of the lines in Plymouth you put in were odd... The sidehop up the square box at the church, the sidehop up the wall at the church, the line along those granite bollards at copthorne etc, they didn't seem to fit in with the rest? Maybe its because I can do them and know them well? Who knows. Props on Porters line from bench to round pillar at the anchor, thats pretty f**king tech! Also, props on being able to bunnyhop your Czar.. I have higher bars and can barely manual on mine!
  11. N.Wood

    Joe Baxter New Vid

    Awesome, loved the song, great riding and atmosphere too
  12. Yeah, thought it was through the vent hole on the chainstay next to the bb shell?
  13. Makes everything look easy and tiny 'cos he's so smooth, what a legend.
  14. Oh thanks for the information.
  15. N.Wood

    Haha !

    Lacing pattern on the front is sweet too.
  16. Really enjoyed it, some pretty inventive lines in there too, nice one
  17. Go to Ebay and search for AspireVelotech.
  18. You should make a unicyclisting forum so you can all post your stuff in there instead.
  19. A bad workman blames his tools... Maybe you need to look at either your riding technique (land ontop of objects, not on the edge) or your pad/rim combo, or your set up capabilities.
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