Nah, I mean a 'good' one... Some Kings are amazing, others are terrible for trials, and it appears there is no rhyme or reason for this. I had one (brand new) back in the day, worked ok for the first 6 months then started skipping, so took it all apart and cleaned it out/lubed it up, but this didn't help. The skipping got worse, and I sent it to the UK Distributer (Bromley Bikes, my LBS) as this was more convenient than sending it to Tarty Adam. I told them to look for worn parts/anythign that'd cause it to skip and told them to lube it with Tri-Flow. This didn't cure it, and the final straw was it skipping a full rotation on an up to front, where I nearly missed smashing my grill. But er.... Don't let me put you off.