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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. N.Wood


    They're strong, the rest is up to you. Some peoples bikes feel like shit but they love them, and ride them well. Depends what YOU like.
  2. Seems like you're pretty set on an Onza one, if you like the look of them and wanna spend £25 on a trials hoody then do it, as long as you like it thats what matters right?
  3. I found meths works well for decontaminating pads too.
  4. I havn't read the thread properly as theres huge blocks of text everywhere, but I have seen the pros and cons of uni being banded about. At possibly the worst time in uni so far (third year at a time where lots of coursework has to be handed in before xmas) I can safely say going to uni was the best thing I've ever done in my life and have zero regrets about going here, what i've done here, anything at all.
  5. Yeah, that mudguard just screams rebellion.
  6. You don't really understand what a car is, do you.
  7. Pretty much now I recon, is a good laugh! So 19-20
  8. Yeah I'll be out or something whenever.
  9. I think the ti bolts are roughly half the weight? So weigh a few bolts and half the number, add them together and there you are
  10. Function, my bike looks fairly f**ked but as long as it works then its all good.
  11. Oh, and try to do some comps.
  12. Much more engagement points makes it feel alot better, stronger pawl/spring set up etc.
  13. Best hub I've ever used... Yeah I've had problems (on my fourth Pro2 now) but the problems I've had are partly down to riding style/how often I ride. Will be one of the best purchases you ever make.
  14. What the f**k is that song, and more importantly, what the f**k is that video to that song?!
  15. Get the f**k up! I was enjoying the music till it went past about 34 seconds then started to get a bit repetitive. Good riding but pretty boring in general.
  16. Interesting - 4 sets of pads (3x CRM and 1xCRM ltd edition) bought from Trialsman have each been shocking, and feel completely different to pads I bought years ago. I've always been a huge fan of CRMs, up till now. I know I'm not the only person who has had problems with CRMS purchased in the last year.
  17. Yeah, music, new riding style, buying some bits like new bars to change the way your bike rides helps, stuff like that
  18. Ha, Porter, me and Hawziee were up there but came back by the time we saw you cats and I didn't recognise y'all. Was a little chillsome today, yah!
  19. If you can make a not-so-hard UCI worlds man made course somewhere in England, it'd be rad, with cotton reels/pallets set at interesting angles, pipes, etc. Or watch some of the Eastern European vids of the trials parks over there, they looks really good fun.
  20. Bone Hill is pretty much my favorite riding spot ever.
  21. You're such a sarcastic b*****d.
  22. I just can't wait to try all those new lines at copthorne!
  23. Aim for Bone Hill, stop at anything that looks interesting on the way. Or go to Bone Hill, have a look at some tors and head for them and see what they do for you. Did I mention Bone Hill?
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