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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Hadn't thought of Koolstops... Cool, cheers!
  2. I've run a Try-All stem with Trialtech forks for a while now and did it by butchering the Trialtech topcap. I got the topcap, a M6 nut with a small lip round the bottom that I found in James' van whilst in Belgium and a hacksaw. Sawed off the mushroom shaped 'top cap' part of the Trialtech top cap so I was lift with what would be the stalk of an actual mushroom, just made of metal and with threads on. I put the lipped M6 nut underneath which fitted perfectly in the bottom of the 'stalk'. Threaded the lot into my forks as normal so the top was flush. Put my stem on with sloping topcap and normal bolt, threaded the bolt into the M6 nuts waiting in the 'stalk' and there you have it.
  3. Oh and as everything in life - variety is the key. I think some sections should be small and tech, some with bigger, scarier moves. Some with big run ups and kickers, some large static moves. Would be good to have obstacles that need you to sidehop both left and right within sections.
  4. One of my wonderings may as well go in here. I have a Specialized Allez that gets ridden about 4 times a year, and originally bought some Shimano Ultegra pads for it, and they probably havn't even worn in yet to be fair... But anyways, are there any decent brake pads that stop better than standard ones?
  5. Yeah I'd go with something stronger than the XTP2 personally.
  6. Hard to tell really because its a comp only frame and has been bought by people who are fairly harsh and ride street, so they snapped. However its probably only designed to last 8 or so months as it is a pure top of the range comp frame. Its the trade off for being so light. No one can tell you if it will last 1 month or 22 months, because we havn't seen you ride. If you feel you need a very high end comp frame because nothing else will do, then you'll be prepared to buy a new one next season.
  7. I thought he 'had thousands' and 'checked today' and 'could have had it in the post already'? How odd.
  8. though's? Seriously? f**k. I like my Trialtech forks, lasted ages so far without snapping or cracking, good stuff. Also my Rain King rear tyre, best tyre I've ever had.
  9. Just a re-branded Tiso titanium. Pretty sure the Tiso ones are also very expensive, but then they're not all that expensive in the road world, just in the trials world.
  10. Good stuff Adam, good to see you've not changed much since I saw it before, like the music and editing and all that
  11. Nah I don't think you would.
  12. Are your trousers/shoes rubbing them or something?
  13. Onza I think you should change the shape of your carbon bars to that of a higher rise such as the Trialtechs/Monty/Koxx Rage but keep the 28/30" width. They'd be really light weight, really strong, and really quick to sell.
  14. I don't have any line in particular and this might not be possible, but I always htink its cool when riders can pick a line through a section rather than doing exactly the same move as the person infront, makes it a bit more interesting. If theres 3 different ways to get up a rock/block like a big tap or a gap to front from smaller block or sidehop from a skinny log/block, it makes it all a bit different. I understand it might be hard to make these all the same level of difficulty though. Just something I've always liked in the 2 comps I've ever been to
  15. Standard, the shorter DH one doesn't work with many rear cogs.
  16. Castle Cary train station looks to be the closest if I'm looking in the right place.
  17. That looks like way too much fun to be serious trial. That was just.... amazing. Way to many cool things about that to list, but thats the way things should be, 100%. FUN for f**ks sake, not boring, serious trials. Awesome.
  18. Awesome cheers Dave! Super smooth and flowing riding, good place to ride too by the looks of things!
  19. Such as what? I dunno. Only issue I heard was one person unable to get the pin out of the body, but thats about it.
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