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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. He doesn't look 12! Fairly good riding
  2. I'm gonna need to stock up on cider before we get on the ferry.
  3. I do like a spicy bean burger from time to time.
  4. I've tried Quorn and tofu (in a wide range of guises) and I can't stand that shit! If I had more animal rights morals I dunno what I'd eat other than salad all day.
  5. N.Wood

    Dan Ko

    I've informed Otis from Short Change.
  6. Ahhh I get you, the ones I've had in the past have the CNC cut outs (and one silver one). Not exactly an issue though!
  7. Looks like fun! Adam - You guys will have to make the trip down here sometime, James and I have a few places to show y'all.
  8. Some of those rocks are pretty damn horrible! I rode them all in the wet though, the month I was up there it stopped raining for about 2 days. Good pics, cheers!
  9. If you were really arsed you could try boiling off the volitiles? What you'd be left with, I've no idea. And don't sue me when your mum gets pissed at you for using her best pan. And don't sue me when you get poisoned by the gasses.
  10. Sweet, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
  11. Oh right, so for tearing apart those nice crunchy carrots?
  12. All humans begin life in the womb as females. If no Y chromosome is present in the foetus, then the embryo will continue to develop as and be born as a female. If there is a Y chromosome present in the embryo, the male sex hormone testosterone restricts the full development of breasts to just nipples, the labia fuse to become the scrotum and clitoris develops fully to become a penis. If the Y chromosome prevails in producing a male, this is not done without a fight. Male babies are weaker as a result than female ones, accounting for the slightly higher death rate in male babies. I'll ask again - Why do humans have canines?
  13. N.Wood

    Jack Meek

    Good stuff Jack, looks like a good area to ride without getting hassled! Will have to come up for a ride sometime.
  14. Why do humans have canines?
  15. Well whats the point in this thread then? If you think you can do it and theres no cost to try it, just get on with it
  16. It seems you're pretty convinced it would work and have the tools to do it, so why not just go ahead and see what happens? My personal opinion is that its a pointless excersise even if it does work, but there we are.
  17. The standard Try-All notched (on Tarty they say CNC ones, but they're not), running the bolts with the head on the outside meant there wasn't enough adjustment to get them tight once the chain stretched, so I put a little nut on the end of the bolt to give it extra width, works perfectly now. You could also flip the bolt so it screws from the inside, but then its a bit of a pain to get to
  18. I just used an allen key to tighten my pedals back in the day and even doing them as tight as i could with a Park allen key, they still came loose. I then invested in a pedal spanner and they've not come loose since.
  19. What do you mean by risky?
  20. Just a little update on this, still love the bike, the H hub on the front didn't agree with me so has been replaced with a Rockman BUB, and theres a few alloy bolts here and there. The Rain King has barely worn, even after a few rides on Dartmoor granite. Best tyre ever, you should get one when they come out (available at Tartybikes).
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