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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. A conundrum indeed.
  2. Yeah Balderdash is only used in the game 'cos it was a word first... Is it an actual 'thing' other than a semi swear word? Related to Pebbledash?
  3. Never done it in my life - Once you actually ride around a bit the pads will bed in anyways.
  4. How tall are you Alex? Does it feel too long or is she ok?
  5. Deflate the tyre but keep it on - Tyres have loads of oily shit on the insides and as soon as that goes on your rim, your brake is shit. So keep it on. Then watch this: Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload EDIT: AND you get to listen to Modest Mouse. bonus.
  6. Girltalk's remix of Peter, Bjorn and John's Call this off.
  7. N.Wood

    24" Video

    Cool, more pics of ponytail for reference? Not heard less than jake for years. Looks like some good places to ride - where was the manual down that sloped wall?
  8. It would be better if you rode it more often
  9. I'm not actually annoyed by the way, I didn't know anyone said 'whats your beef' or 'whoa there Nelly' in seriousness. Anyways, yeah I can see that Phatpad alu backings are alot better than plastic ones, I was just wondering what issues you had with Powerpad backings specifically (as opposed to OEM Magura ones or those no-name jobbies) that are virtually identical. I have to say though, I've NEVER had a problem with plastic backings apart from the short Cousts from years ago (rolled too much and the O ring went) and Rimjam white ones (snapped).
  10. I havn't ridden trials there for years, but its got a section of broken up rocks (about double football sized), an outcrop of sandstone about 8m wide with lots of lines that are possible, and a load of logs and stuff. If I'm at home for 3rd May I'll ride it, but I think I might be in Turkey.
  11. Whats that got to do with powerpads being a sack of shit? If they cost the same then fair enough, but they don't do they....
  12. Is that Bigman's old one or summat? Looks good, see you out on it soon!
  13. Whoa there Nelly... Explain? Never had a problem in 8 years. Whats your beef?
  14. Pretty good stuff! The woman who sings that song used to be in my class a few years ago.
  15. Good stuff Tim, some sweet lines going down... Those dogs were rad.
  16. N.Wood

    British Champs

    Kelly Farm British Championship rround 1 results now up: HERE
  17. Nah I find that a bit harder than tapping, over about 45" up to fronts get pretty tricky as your weight has to be so far forward over the bars. With taps and stuff if you don't get high enough you just come off the back/slip to bash, but if you don't make an up to front you could have face/concrete enjoyment.
  18. With enough run up, bunnywhops are derfinately easier I'd say.
  19. Yeah I seem to remember I did... Was my brake's fault though!
  20. Wern't they alu though? Was a gap to Hope Mini 165mm disk on a stock brake slip to rock in about 2000.
  21. Good old DMR ringthing? Blackspire granny Gods were cool, but I bent mine the first time I used it back in the day. They didn't do a Filthy Ard gard in 4 bolt as fair as I remember. The Truvativ ones are cheap and someone probably has one lying around somewhere... I would if Pete Wright hadn't stole it
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