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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. If you clamp them up tight without moving the lever it won't mark too badly. It's adjusting the angle with the brake attached and bolts not undone that f**ks them up good.
  2. One of my claims to fame is not only has Pete Wright been in my bedroom, I've been in his.
  3. Can't have got far, was probably drunk.
  4. Yeah mine makes more noises than my SLs have over the years. Like you say, not slipping but not particularly confidence inspiring. It's still on my bike though which says something... If it wasn't any good I'd swap it out immediately.
  5. To add a bit more 100% engineering fact, the longer pins also allow more leverage and therefore flex leading to a 0.2% increase in run-up distances.
  6. Do they? Only difference is roller and pin width, plates are identical. But anyway, Z610HX is all good.
  7. Better than the 'pro' photographers that are normally there!
  8. Yeah when I lived next to Plymouth station they did some sorta line scraping and / or welding or some shit? Made a LOT of noise on a saturday night.
  9. I've had numerous of both and prefer an Echo SL. Or are they chinese shit? I just don't know anymore.
  10. Was pretty slippery out on the roads today, we havn't had rain for weeks and then bucketed down so I guess could be to do with that?
  11. Same as the 'anti reverse bearing' on a decent spinning reel. I envisage the hubshell being cracked by the force of the cams.
  12. Quite similar styles, his riding reminded me of Max's.
  13. Sweeeet! Do you / did you ride with Max T a lot?
  14. Jesus just pick up the phone and ring tarty. Or just send the buggers back to them with a note or whatever. Much less aggro for everyone involved.
  15. Observedtrials.net has a few Aussies on there. There are a few specific forums for Aussies but I don't know them off the top of my head.
  16. Thats fine, was just asking... I have plenty of places to ride. Look forward to the vid
  17. I've had 8+ Echo SLs over the years and recently went for a Jitsie. Seems to be holding up alright. havn't given it too much shit yet as I've only been on about 5 rides but it hasn't mader too many horrible noises yet which is good. It does do the pawl re-seating thing like Adam explained above, presumable because the springs are so strong. It hasn't actually skipped yet though. So far so good
  18. Yeah, whereabouts in Cornwall?
  19. I have some questions: A: Can anyone turn up and ride this quarry at any time or was access allowed specifically for the comp? B : Any pics of the comp / stuff there is to ride there? Ta.
  20. N.Wood


    Crumbs.... Um congrats dude
  21. Sweet, good luck There is a bit of a gap of minimal riders between bristol and, say, exeter but either side there are a fair few who would be up for some decent comps
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