Christianity is such a 'watertight*' theory that its hard to argue with it. * thats not me saying its completely true, what I am saying is that Christianity boils down to faith in God. So the proof you need is your faith in God. Because thats your 'proof', you can't show it to anyone else like you could a picture, or anything else. Its a completely self contained thing. Other 'proof' comes in the form of the world around us, many non-hardcore-ists believe in evolution, but they say its part of God's plan. Apparently it also says in the bible there will be an increase of knowlege in the last days. Well, yeah, thats cos people learn more stuff as time goes on. Again, more 'proof' for them. I can't explain where the dust and gas came from that (I believe) built our Earth and universe, their explaination is that God put it there. I also don't have an explaination for why we're here, what makes us different to other animals (knowing we exist, showing behaviour thats not condusive to survival etc) and stuff like that. Thats where the watertight thing comes around, because they say God can do anything, their argument to anything is 'well, God can do whatever he wants/he put it there' etc. I find it hard to believe in something that I can't see or touch, but I'm not 100% denying theres something 'else' out there, just won't believe until someone shows it to me. God forum - Dave I think thats the kinda crew you're on about? EDIT: Theres even someone from Chester! Go visit them!