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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Well the thing is, it depends what you're after. The Clan may have Danny Mac, but that doesn't necessarily make them a good demo team. I know they ARE a good demo team, but theres so much more to it than just having well known, good riders. Some people are shit demo riders even if they're really good at comps and stuff, because whats impressive to the general public isn't always good trials moves. Its usually spins and taking your front wheel out and shit. Also the routines, the rig, the commentators, the sponsors and the weight behind the management that can get them into bigger shows all comes into play.
  2. Like I said... Just undo what you've done, turn the rim around 180 and problem solved?
  3. Just do as you're doing bit flip the rim around 180 degrees? I dunno I can't really see how its a hard thing to do.
  4. I'm a purple helmets kinda man myself.
  5. He's still a person on the forum. What do you want us to say? "wow you can sidehop 37" you're the best unknown rider on the forum"?
  6. The MAD team are probably the best known and have sparked the careers of a fair few riders.
  7. I don't really wish to start a new debate here and I'm by no means a Christian... But alot of your posts recently have been anti-christian. Could you not just accept it makes them happy and get on with your own life while they do the same?
  8. As I said on Facebook, I really like this one. Could do with a bit more from up Bone hill, I woul have thought some more hardcore lines would have gone down, but liked the music, editing and the riding.
  9. I have one thats only dated on one side, I'm tempted to be a c unt and put it up on ebay.
  10. N.Wood

    Any Better, Tf?

    I liked it, I think when it comes to vid editing just keep it simple and don;t try to be to fancy unless you're really proficient at it. Try matching moves to the music and match the music to the riding rather than just whatever song you like that week.
  11. Which post did you gap to Alex? At coppers.
  12. As for a price... £80. Still, its a better starter bike than myself and alot of other older riders on the forum had.
  13. What bike are you gonna ride for that then Ali? Sounds interesting.
  14. Matt Staples used to roll on one.
  15. N.Wood

    Pad Reviews

    So not normal trials use then.
  16. N.Wood

    Pad Reviews

    Was this after a DH race?
  17. I've got an Audi 80 avant which is good for pulling girls of all ages and sizes.
  18. Cool stuff man, the bench to corner wall thang at copthorne and the pointy rock by the boat on the way to the hoe are both right bastards!
  19. Yeah thats Felix Mueke, and yeah its a marino.
  20. Probably gap for the bash, if so its not a problem.
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