I'm sorry to pull you up on this once again, but: Funny - Ok yeah to the right people in real life who like cars, cool yep I agree. Gentleman - Yep, all good stuff, women lap up that shit unless they're a twat. Well educated - You've done GCSE's? What else? High aspirations - What are these? You work in a bike shop man. Loads of money - Simply a lie. Ugly/deformed. - Ok. You seem to live the life of a 40 year old man with your car clubs/shows and 'old man' style country pubs. Thats fine, but not exactly ideal for picking up the ladies. You need networks to make friends and therefore potential girlfriends, the more friends your own age you have, the more chance they'll know someone whos looking for a old man in a young body. Gots to get yourself out there.