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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. N.Wood

    Fire Alarms.

    They will... The first couple of weeks of being in halls everyones all going nuts about living away from home for the first time, but it soon calms down especially when lectures start.
  2. N.Wood

    Fire Alarms.

    They'll get bored soon, but shank phil anyway.
  3. if you didnt buy new, you'll have no chance
  4. Some dickhead. New Fluid 23 stuff looks rad.
  5. I'm under the impression you've not been riding long. In that case, yeah makes no difference. But to the big boys any advantage is worth having, be it 30g or 300g.
  6. I said you were talking shit because they don't have 50 ep's (or whatever you said), the rolling resistance should't be a problem at all, unless something was wrong with it. Its not even a noticeable issue. I'm not even arguing for or against either the pro2 or the mono, as they both have their downsides, I've owned numerous hubs of both designs and have been pretty good.
  7. 1. Cheaper second hand. can be all done and posted to Aus for under £100. 2. There are other forums to sell things on. Alot of people on here have other bikes other than trials rigs. 3. You've just said how imperitive it is to get a pro2, but you won't pay up for it. Not alot we can help with there.
  8. Yes it feels better, yes it will rape your maggie after a while, yes it will be fine, yes you should do it.
  9. Pay for a pro2 then. If the rest of the bike is right then spokes and a pro2 hub will be less than £100, and could probably sell the mono for £20 or so.
  10. Only if you're one of the lucky ones.
  11. They were the best you could get (other than a King) back in the day and some good riding went down on bikes with them. But they're not really up to todays standards for trials. The matey you were talking to about the hub was talking shit.
  12. Get a 15t, thats pretty much what everyone on a stock runs (presuming you are on a stock with ~170mm cranks)
  13. I used to live in West Wickham, theres a matey called ben that lives there and rides now and again. Fatpants on here also lives in West Wickham. Easy from Orpington to bromley south on the train.
  14. We're talking about front brakes, but whatever.
  15. A u brake wouldn't hold even if you're right over the front. Whats your point?
  16. Might be down to riding style then. Get right over the front on gaps and you'll be fine.
  17. What, snap some forks? Its not exactly mindboggling how Damon snapped some forks?
  18. Yeah I'm not sure, doesn't really seem very clear on any websites. I'm not bothered about it at the moment, just curious really.
  19. Cheers for the replies. I've not been in the office for ages so will ask my secretary whats going on
  20. He had a rad beard. I rode like shit. Hows Steve-O doing?
  21. Cheers for the pics, I had fun even though i rode like shit.
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