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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Hello world, So i've noticed Tartybikes have the new Koxx Foxx in stock, and looks pretty good from a weight/geo point of view. Price isnt as nuts as some of the others, also. Anyways, this seems to have sprung up somewhat...Does anyone know whos been testing it/is riding it at the moment? Seems like a cheaper Sky model which is all gravy. Any of you Tartybeys got any insight on the new frame? Cheers now.
  2. No difference bro, think they're forged then cnc'd, but the forging bit is only big enough for their spline. Could someone just make a freewheel to fit on their spline? then we could use old XTR baller cranks.
  3. What about with just a freewheel, no bash?
  4. Eyelets have made bugger all difference for me in the 8 years I've been riding. I'll have a cheaper, lighter rim thanks.
  5. N.Wood

    Carbon Rotors

    Tried a carbon ceramic rotor at a comp in Belgium, it was shite. No bite or hold.
  6. Yeah, and if you do use tape, always cut to the uppermost limit (top of tape) so if you are a spaz and cut the wrong side of the tape, you won't have to buy new forks.
  7. CEO/director maybe? Mr Dominique Hermance is the bey I think?
  8. Good freewheel for sure. Only seen one break, and before it did snap, it was excellent.
  9. We went out in Porthcawl not dressed up.
  10. Good stuff, me and Rob are probably heading up to Afan on Saturday.
  11. You'll have to make a vid/take pics of you riding this thing.
  12. I mean for a mod she looks good, but deep down inside you Ad, you know the wheels are too small.
  13. I'm not based in that random selection of counties you put up so I can't participate
  14. I fully doubt Cogs would have one...
  15. Not very... We usually cut the bottom off a coke can (real sharp, watch yo'self), put the pads in and enough meths to just cover them, set it alight and by the time the meths has burnt off (a minute or 2?) all the oil has gone too.
  16. Contaminated... Burn pads in meths, clean rotor with meths/IPA etc. Bed it in again. Proper job.
  17. I'm fine for all bottom bracket related frippery, thanks. I'm all about the weekends.
  18. Yup Yup.... On the other side of roland levinsky to cogs.
  19. If people didn't know for whatever reason, theres some good new stuff in the uni, down by Roland Levinsky.
  20. Its fine if they pay for a banner... Well thats what I thought anyways, hence why Tarty is all good.
  21. Cool, looks like you've got taps down these days
  22. Ali's riding, Joel's editing, Mark's arse, what more can a girl ask for?
  23. The new BB7s (black ones) are shite though. If you can get an old silver one then go for BB7, but if not go for Hope.
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