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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Diesel is the way forwards.
  2. If 10 people from the forum buy a bottle can you do it for a good price?
  3. Yeah stick it on like you do when you cut yourself shaving.
  4. No I said I shit money. I wipe my arse with toilet paper, I'm not a weirdo
  5. Kinda a fair amount to piss in a toilet though. Not that I care about dollar, I shit money.
  6. Yeah he must be really rich! Do you have a Porsche or other fast car? Be sure to take a picture of you with it tommorow!
  7. N.Wood

    Hope Pro 2

    You're right, its not like I've owned a load of Pro2s before.
  8. N.Wood

    Hope Pro 2

    I've said it before... ISO2, simmer down with the attitude a bit an you'll be a much better contributor.
  9. I was madbiker66 on here before the server crash, then could'nt be arsed to sign up till '03. No idea on chit chat posts.
  10. Sounds good. A few of us ride Exeter now and again, but not likely to go in this shit weather.
  11. Its fine if the holes arn't countersunk.
  12. Can you drive? if not its not really a problem, trains run to Plymouth from Exeter all the time. Anyways best bet would be to go to plymouth on your mtb when theres a ride on, usually during the warmer months but they do crop up, such as the xmas eve ride. Then you'll get to try lots out... Everyone who rides plym is good enough lad, they'll have no probs with you trying their bike out for a bit.
  13. Well I said SL but no one listens to me... Only seen 1 SL break, have run about 3 ENOs in my time, all have been great. I'm swapping my ENO for an SL though, and they're cheaper.
  14. N.Wood


    Well good, cheers for geting this to us Dan. Will edit once I've watched
  15. Come on then, whats the beef with Mart? Akrigg, Tongue brothers, Ashton, Hawyes.
  16. Put larger, thick washers in between your bolt and frame. Or use a larger headed bolt.
  17. Tensile 60: Twice the engagement (ish) Tensil 96: More engagements, better reliability. But whatever, my experience. Get whichever you want.
  18. Um... Sorry to drag this up but by your mentally fit mateys logic, a 1 year old should have a heart rate of 219 for half hour to burn fat, is that right? Also on a side note don't get shitty with people when you've only been here for 2 days.
  19. Our ENO lockring tool of choice is either a carving fork, or needlenose pliers.
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