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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Mr Vandart, no offense intended but from what I can see you're still a new rider. Dave definately isn't.
  2. N.Wood


    And in the sack.
  3. N.Wood


    A 1499 is one of his bikes, yeah. Ozonys snapped.
  4. No, I'm stoked on being pumped.
  5. Best year so fair I reckon. Good riding at the start of the year, few comps, went to europe a few times, all that Got a job doing exactly what I want to do straight out of uni with a load of cool people. Graduated from uni Gf stuff is all good. New car, new bikes, yeah all good really.
  6. Answered your own question there?
  7. Pile? What are you on about?
  8. You should, I've not a single qualm at all about going to uni, best 3 years of my life so far.
  9. There you are, 100% satisfaction.
  10. I went to Plymouth, I loved it.
  11. N.Wood

    Pink Wheels

    Are Holes rear rims specced on any standard, off the peg full bike? Seems weird they don't spec them on the rear of the Skys? Did y'all (Adam) suggest the reinforced rears would be better for the UK market?
  12. What are you talking about? Just because his previous frame broke, doesn't mean 'Koxx = fail'. You don't know how long he had it ( a fair while I think), how its used, how heavy he is etc etc. Don't make blanket statements that arn't true. Anyways... Bike looks rad as always
  13. Luke, if you see Gary Sandserson about, ask him if he has some red pads in CNC backings lying about. I sold him some, he hated them and took them off. Might still have em lying about?
  14. Back in the day (2004) I bought some directly off Mr Coust and it was AMAZING. I bought some of the newer stuff from him (2008ish) and it wasn't very good at all.
  15. N.Wood

    Rowan Johns - Cs

    Thats the only bit I ever go to. If I can't see it from Coppers I'm not interested.
  16. N.Wood

    Rowan Johns - Cs

    Well good vid Rowan, loved it. Which bits were in Plymouth? Didn't recognise any of it. Maybe the last playground bit, that looks shit enough to be Plymouth.
  17. Yep, I'll back all that up... Ali and myself should get some kinda royalties from Conti, the amount of Rain Kings/DKs sold because of us must be mad good.
  18. Well if Andrei is coming I'm coming. Unless I'm not around.
  19. Boat looks sweet Joe! Whats the plan for it? Outboard engine?
  20. I love my Try-alls, been running them for ages now. Ran middleburns before these.
  21. Sweet, Chris is a really good rider that no ones heard of! Great vid, cheers.
  22. Mod I guess... Trialtech rim (square hole if you're not a basher, other if you are) on Try-All hub with Sapim spokes from Tarts would be my choice.
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