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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Any Echo ones, RB, any Magura HS model
  2. Is this with a black caliper? My 3 silver ones were AMAZING (till they snapped), the one black one I had was dogshit, really spongy and barely any power.
  3. No one can tell you how long it will last as it totally depends on how you ride, what you ride, how often you ride, tyre pressures, etc etc. Pretty sure the Maxxis super tacky compound and the try-all compound is the same durometer.
  4. I've not read the topic, because it appears to be a shitstorm, but if you want a good brake on a smooth rim, Plaz CRMs on a rim thats been cleaned with muc-off will be the BOSS. For about an hour till you have to clean it again.
  5. Whatever it is I can tell you quality of life and enjoyment ratio is a hell of a lot better than Hastings.
  6. Just so you know, its spelt 'puncture'. As in 'to puncture a woman's hymen'
  7. No idea.. I can pretty safely say there will be more hilarity at the Tupman comp though.
  8. Heard on the grapevine the Tupmans are running a west of england comp at Botter Rock on (I think) the 12th September. Any info on this?
  9. Theres alot of peeps on observedtrials.net who are from that way and can give you advice.
  10. If you aint got anything to talk about go and do something together, go to the park, go for a (non alcoholic, obv.) drink, go for a happymeal, whatever.
  11. Pretty sure they were reeeally strong, just looked like dogshit. Personally never saw/heard anyone snap a set. EDIT: I'm talking shit, I was talking about the 5 piece Guy forks.
  12. Bear with me on this Kieran... Right if you get the Trialtech threaded topcap and cut off the mushroom/topcap bit you're left with a threaded tube. If you get a little nut the right size for a topcap bolt, it'll slip tight in the bottom of this tube and be held there by a little lip. You can then screw that lot into the forks till its flush, then put a bolt and topcap through like normal and jobs a goodun. Knowledge courtesy of Mr Adam Read. Worked real well with my Try-all stem, and now use it instead of the threaded topcap with my King headset.
  13. What time are y'all gonna be around till? Might be able to make it after work. The Subway in the middle of town next to the roundabout is a good meeting spot.
  14. I'd class it as being dogshit. It wouldn't work as a bike. Alot of frames would only be able to take a skinny tyre and would need a disk. EDIT: I'd say it would be a short 26", as its the wheels that determine a bike.
  15. Cant ride for shit after a redbull/relentless/monster. Usually drink Lucozade sport or the normal fizzy one. The only energy drink that didnt make me feel shit was Pussy. Cant say any of them give me more power/strength, but they do help with sugar levels alongside water and a banana or summat.
  16. I'd say either will be fine. I use LGMs.
  17. Yeah they has a Grimeca-esque lever back in the day. Also seem to remember the caliper being a dark grey colour. EDIT: there she is
  18. Haha, haters gonna hate... I thought it was pretty f**king good to be fair. I'd be willing to bet this guy is a better rider than 99% of the people saying it was shit.
  19. Kings don't have pawls.... Get an SL.
  20. N.Wood

    Im Back !

    Cool, nice one.
  21. Practise, watch tricks and stunts, watch the videos on Trashzen, practise.
  22. Not to be a dick but if you're from Shropshire I doubt you'll have too much to worry about when it comes to gangs. I know the Telford massive can be intimidating but they're too thick to work out how to use a phone let alone steal one from you. Anyways, sounds as though the area matey is living in IS an area where gangs are based. So he HAS to be there everyday, no way of avoiding it. I guess carry as little on you as possible (maybe a tenner to give to them - Some wont stop until they have something of yours. Better for it to be a tenner than your teeths) and as JD says just act as if they're normal people. Dont be scared of them and the most important thing is dont bring attention to yourself. If you have an ipod, swap out the white earphones for bog standard black ones, and keep it hidden.
  23. Geotechnical Engineer. I deal with the top 20 to 50m of the earths surface in areas where stuff needs to be built. Everything from housing construction to major road projects to wind farms to quarries. Quite often found in a field ragging a 4x4 around, or I'll be in the office writing reports.
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