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    Jonathan Tollerud
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    Melbourne, AUS

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  1. Like it says on the box. Including a couple more Aurelian clips.
  2. Thanks- Glad it is enjoyed. I know these spots are all played out for you, but its pretty cool to see and be able to put my tires on them. I forgot to thank MarkW for hooking me up with the map of London spots and Mick for carting me too and from the train station on the day I visited Radical Bikes. Cheers guys.
  3. I was in London/Barcelona last year, and I got to shred a few or your/their awesome spots/trials-parks. I didn't have much time at each spot so I was much more keen on riding than filming, but I ended up filming a few things just to prove I was there. I'm sure these most of these lines have been claimed long ago by other (better) riders, but I'm still happy with a few of them.
  4. Hey Matt, Sorry for the slow reply - I'm planning to head out to Barrow Farm on Saturday if the weather is decent (which it looks like it will be). Would you be able to ride tomorrow (wednesday) evening? I will also probably sneak out for a ride on Thursday afternoon. Found a couple of spots I recognized down by the river on Sunday. Lots of really good stuff out there!
  5. Cheers Mark! Those directions will be a good guide for riding on Sunday. Maps would be awesome as well, for the rest of the week.
  6. Not sure this is the right forum... sorry if it isn't. I'm visiting London for a week starting Saturday 30/8. I'll be staying in the Notting Hill area, and I will have my Inspired with me. Any good riding spots in the area? Where spots are there in London that are worth travelling to? Anyone live/ride in the area that would want to go out for a ride? Also planning on heading out to check out Radical Bikes on 6/9, weather permitting. Anyone else planning on riding then? Cheers, Jonathan
  7. Southern Balance Ep 5 Mostly riding by Andrew and Nathan, but a couple of other lines from Joe Brewer, Dave Herr and Paul Gerloff. I also got Andrew to talk a little about how 'Whale' came about.
  8. Cheers for the comments, and thanks for the post, Ross. Come on over! There are almost as many foreigners (myself included) as Australians riding here these days.
  9. I did a bit of filming at a couple of recent comps down here in Australia. Not ideal filming conditions as I was competing as well, but I think it showcases the high level of the competition riding down here. Let me know what you think! http://www.epictv.com/media/podcast/standoff-of-the-saddle-less-mountain-bike-cowboys-in-anglesea-%7C-southern-balance-ep-2/270507 (ps hopefully this one works on cell phones/tablets. Let me know if it doesn't)
  10. Should now be working on mobile now. http://m.epictv.com/media/podcast/riding-handrails--bike-bouldering-trials-melbourne-style-%7C-southern-balance-ep-1-/262966
  11. Thanks for the comments! Seems that the mobile site doesn't have the video yet. The teaser can be viewed on phones here. I'll put a post up the mobile link once they get it sorted out. Second song is "Dropping out of School" by Brad Sucks
  12. Figured I may as well give it its own thread. Have a look and let us know what you think! Riding by Andrew Dickey, Nathan Mummery, Lewis Greenhalgh, Dave Herr, Joe Brewer, Paul Gerloff and Jonathan Tollerud. http://www.epictv.com/media/podcast/riding-handrails--bike-bouldering-trials-melbourne-style-%7C-southern-balance-ep-1-/262966 edit: now available on mobile. http://m.epictv.com/media/podcast/riding-handrails--bike-bouldering-trials-melbourne-style-%7C-southern-balance-ep-1-/262966
  13. I'll just add that the first episode will be out later this week and will feature a mixture of all sorts of riding by Andrew Dickey, Joe Brewer, Nathan Mummery, Lewis Greenhalgh, Dave Herr, Paul Gerloff and myself (Jonathan Tollerud)
  14. TTownJon


    Thanks Ben, I hear you (and it) on the mech. I don't really notice it while I'm riding, and forgot about it until I started editing. For the video decided It was worth the pain of the mech-slap to hear the rest of the bike sounds. haha, nah, it was a clip that the show Arrested Development (which is a great show by the way) put up to promote their new season, which I put in as a joke. More here, though you probably won't 'get it' if you haven't watched the rest of the show. I didn't have to do much but chrome-key the background out and adjust the brightness slightly. Thanks Ross, I like the element (slightly) better for pretty much everything. Its streetier and spinnier for sure, but surprisingly taps and pedal ups better as well. The element is also noticeably stiffer torsionally, which is really noticable on pedal ups and pedal gaps. The only trials move I don't like it for is sidehops, but I hate doing that move with anything other than a true competition bike nowadays anyway. It was nice in the skatepark, but that suffered a bit when I put the long trialtech stem on to push it more towards the trials side.
  15. TTownJon


    Over the last few months I've been riding my 26" Element that Inspired generously donated as a prize for the GETcreative competition last year. I finally collected enough clips to put together into a little video. Even though it is on a street trials bike I think this video still ended up being more trials than street, though hopefully with some flow. I'm pretty happy with it, hope you enjoy it as well:
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