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About Dan_Trials

  • Birthday 07/03/1983

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  • County (UK Only)
    Western Isles
  • Real Name
    Daniel Buckley
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Rockin' an old skool Giant Team Trials!
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Stornoway, Isle of Lewis

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. As far as I'm aware, hashtag is not a currency. That could go some way to answering your queries.
  2. It's the same guy posting the same thread over and over:
  3. Remove just the calliper, hose, and lever. Leave the rotor on. No oil then. See what they say. Riding in the rain and wind is great fun, though, it will improve your riding, and when it is good weather you appreciate it more.
  4. Plus I don't think Jitsie was around in the 90's But yes, it appeared on facebook too and I was jumping down people's throats suggesting that they have not lived until they have experienced a proper cage pedal to the shin!
  5. I have two, but I'm not parting with either of them. I still ride one of them in a brakeless, hard tyre, streety sort of setup, pretty much every week. The other is tucked away, along with some Cannondale Fatty R forks, Yellow HS33s, Middleburn Pro Trials cranks, a DCD, and other gems from the time. I want to build it back up with more parts from around that time but some things are probably never to be seen again. Best of luck in your search matey.
  6. What if he's looking for a method that won't throw his warranty out the window?
  7. A mate of mine has embarked on a brilliant project to restore an old country house on the Isle of Lewis to become a centre point for all things mountain biking and I have been given permission to build a trials playground once the renovation work is complete. There's a video that tells the story and outlines the plans so please give that a watch for all the gen. On the trials side of things, I really want to hold a few comps over here on the Isle of Lewis and having a facility where kids and newbies can try a few things alongside more experienced riders to help them along will lay the ground work to having healthy numbers for competitions. Thank you for your time, please give the video a watch and if you feel like it, please drop us a couple of £ to help out. http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/the-hub-3 The Hub Promo
  8. Was looking that you hadn't uploaded for a month, and then you did!
  9. Mags Evo 2 booster, £12.50: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Magura-HS11-HS33-EVO-2-Brake-booster-/172362637975?hash=item28219d2297:g:XXMAAOSwCGVX8msQ
  10. Didn't Ali C say "Donny MacOoskill" to some guys in one of his vlogs when he manualed a wall on his brakeless rig in Port G?
  11. Looks like a nice fun chilled out afternoon ride
  12. Conversation is more serious than the riding.
  13. Dan_Trials

    TRIAL or DIE

    Haha that was great!
  14. Haha love it! Usually can't stand to watch unicycle trials but this was fun! Lots of effort gone into the whole thing, good work!
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