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kid creole

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Everything posted by kid creole

  1. yeah hes right you'll have to get a new freehub body or new hub , this happened to my onza hub it starts out small just skipping now and then but in the end it just goes completly and freewheels in both directions!!
  2. yeah it was excellent , bit unfair on rob having to go both ways in the speed trials he must have been nakerd, was ryan leech there because i never saw him?
  3. city of god in portugese so you have to read subtitles but dont let that put you off because its awsome
  4. thanks for replying mate probley will go then
  5. can anyone tell me if its worth going on the saturday or is the trials comp on the sunday, i can only make the saturday
  6. the onza trex frame is £199 on tarty thats one of the strongest frames
  7. i live near colchester aswell maybe we could all meet up for like a group ride because i usally ride with just one other person and would like to ride with more people
  8. id love to see them get chased by the cops the old bill would give up after about second
  9. i had hs 11 's on a saracern i wouldnt recommend them the levers are terrible and they didnt work that well but i didnt know about grinded rims then :$ i think the actual brake is the same its just the lever thats different if you can go for the hs 33's
  10. im just gonna whack afew washers in there now
  11. sorry to hear about your injury, it really makes me think how i should me more carful when riding couse i have the attitude that it will never happen to me but thats probly what you thought, anyway hope you recover fully, if you do will you ride again?
  12. yeah thats what im planning to do i just hope the edge of the freewheel doesnt eat into the frame
  13. just wondering if anyone has used a 14 tooth freewheel on a dmr revolver flip flop hub , becouse im trying to but it has only a tiny bit of thread that is the right size and the edge of the freewheel is level with the clamps that hold the hub in the frame, it spins but i think the lockring is holding the hub in the frame rather then the grippy clamp part that usually does. it says on the hub box that it is compatible with 14 t freewheels so maybe this is how it should be but doesnt look right to me if anyone has any ideas i would be grateful to hear them thanks
  14. i had the saracern rode it for about a week and got my money back cause the chainring ate into the frame and i know someone else this happened to aswell but they kept riding it and it snapped, also it comes with magura hs 11 which arnt as good as the hs 33 and they dont have single finger levers. now i have a trex and its alot better, feels unbreakable but you will proberly have to upgrade alot of stuff like the rear hub which is ruined on mine now and also the bottom bracket and cranks wernt that good overall i say go for the t rex
  15. i read that he used to do comps and got on well , the guy who was saying he aint trials and it aint a trials bike i think is just being ignorant really as it dosent matter what bike you do it on or or how you overcome obstacles aslong as you dont touch your feet down, i think he is one of the best trials riders there is , also i learnt most things initially from watching the art of trials
  16. that game was cool cheers
  17. if you go on dna arcade theres like 2 other trials demos you can play aswell , wish they would make a bike trials one dough
  18. i let a chav have a go on mine once and it was really funny , he was like can you pogo yeah i aint done that 4 time blud, then he tried to do it and it was really poor, and then he even tried to teach me stuff twat...lol best things just to say no and stick to it cause you could end up getting it nicked
  19. yeah why dont you just get a mod 26 the new ones on tarty or the holryod , then it is basically the same as a normal mod , makes sense to me
  20. i really like it but i wanna see a full picture , iwas thinking of spraying my trex matt white how did you do it exactly
  21. yeah bend your arms and legs so the bike comes under you more opposed to to keeping your arms straight and leaning back to counterbalence the bikes weight , bending gives you more control and allows you to make small hopes up to a ledge before you drop. most of all it just takes practice
  22. i think you should defiently continue because i started at about christmas when i was twenty im 21 now , i dont think that true about u picking things up slowly at our age because i have picked thing up pretty rapidly i think it has more to do with the amount of practice you put in and deadication good luck with your riding
  23. hi i am getting a freewheel for the first time its a 14t acs claw and i have a revolver hub , i was just wondering how do you keep it in place . do you just screw it on or do you have to weld it on or use locktite on the thread , thanks for the help
  24. i dont know about every one else but i like the noise its part of trials
  25. looks cool i like the way its more like a standard mountain bike ( with a seat an that ) could do with a better angle photo cant see that much detail
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