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kid creole

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Everything posted by kid creole

  1. my great uncle has a pet monkey called baboo but that's not in the UK , he found it as a baby in the forest and had ever since. you can have a monkey in the UK you just need to get a dangerous wild animal license from the council but its not easy to get one they have to check its enclouser and you have to pay for it. some people keep venomous snakes and alligators and stuff like that.
  2. that was really good tom, you have improved loads. do you ride much now?
  3. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ5jWXtKYeo&...p;id=HDDB49350e
  4. sorry tom i wont be able to grind your rim tomorrow. ive got to go out.
  5. hi mate i'l come out and ride, where are you going the pipes?
  6. I cant believe people actually do that with bulls.
  7. I would like to be able to speak every language in the world fluently and in a native accent.
  8. lol look at the pic of dan doing a tail whip look in the background at the graffiti pointing at matt.
  9. Cool , i cant wait until it built.
  10. I cant believe you have a swimming pool in your back garden, lucky.
  11. yep lol, we stayed in nottingham and went out to club aswell thou.
  12. Hi here's a vid of me and my mate Matt riding the quarry, we didn't film that much cause we are lazy. hope you enjoy it, im on the adamant. http://www.vimeo.com/1370181
  13. French forum http://www.espacetrial.com/forum/
  14. kid creole

    Dob 20"

    thats all in braintree.
  15. kid creole

    Dob 20"

    That tap u did couldn't have gone anymore wrong lol, looks painful.
  16. download rough cut here http://cotrials.com/CO%20Trials-%20C...ough%20cut.wmv
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