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good at crashing

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good at crashing's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. There is a little bit of flex if you put the tyre between your legs and tug on the bars but when im riding, i dont notice it at all. They are super plush and can take some serious abuse. However theyre damn rare and cost £1100 plus £150 worth of TF tuning, so probably not worth the money. A bit of bling though...
  2. Try it! Get yourself a fixed hub and standard cranks, show us the results, ride it, then pick yourself off the floor. Simple
  3. Iv recently recovered from popping my collar bone out (didnt even know you could do that!), dislocating my shoulder, breaking my wrist and mashing up a finger, which now gives no grip on the bars. You got off lucky id say. Get well soon mate...
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