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Everything posted by steve@banbury-trials

  1. welcome to trials forum,good to see you are learning the basics before the advanced techniques cheers,steve
  2. this cant be true ,no-one is more of a bsher than me lol
  3. looks good,aslong as you clear up really well at the end of the ride then you'll be alright and have a good spot for years to come .i always tidy up pallets once i've rode ,its just good maners really. steve
  4. i attempted my pedals the other day ,the result was meh,they just wear too scratched up like my vee arms wear ok though
  5. i experiance fear too ,it stops me from doing certain lines sometimes,the way i try to get around it is to practise on scaled down obsticles till i feel like i can go for the big one. for example practise gapping 6ft at curb hieght untill you feel happy with gapping 6ft at 4ft or so . steve
  6. i got a funn skinny rl or summit like that,i personally think its smart looking
  7. i have always wanted a plain wall and get a dumb ass to stand infront of it so i can blast paintballs at him to leave a human shape on the wall ,but thats just me like . steve
  8. i use this techniques put instead of the oil i pour boiling water from the kettle over the threads then wrench the freewheel off,works well for me like
  9. if you decide a trials bike i would get yourself along to a group ride some time and have a go on other folks's bike to see what you like,im sure no-one would object to it .then once you've decided what geomentry suites you i would browse ebay and /or get validated and buy something nice and cheap
  10. looks good,for a mod like.......
  11. i find just riding more to be the best way to gain balence,i rode loads during last summer and i noticed my balance got better . steve
  12. wow one of the best posts i've seen on tf i reckon. back to the topic,i have been riding a pretty hefty simtra trials bike,and when i was running high rise bars i could bunnyhop fairly high,but recently i fitted flat bars which has made me crap at bunnyhops but trialsy moves felt better .i suppose i will comprimise by buying bars that have less rise than me previous bars so that i get the best of both worlds. steve
  13. rolling gaps are my favorite ,i like to beast these move out on rides
  14. i went to summer sound system Saturday and this is me in my cool hat,did anyone else go too?
  15. looks pretty good,tell us how you did it please
  16. i used to snap loads of chain but i havent recntly as i have been careful when putting them together,plus i oil regular too.i founds khe kollapse cains to be good ,but i stopped using them once i got tensioner issues. steve
  17. i occasionally tell people to ride like a seabass as an encouragement,seems to work
  18. daddy long legs are the most poisonous spider
  19. i was only joking about owen mate,he's sound like please dont dont talk to the over riders ,they are all sound and you should makes some friends . steve
  20. if you go,be warned,owen is a bit of a funny one,you'll se when u meet him lol
  21. im really looking forward to this ride ,i havent been to a dj memorial ride before so it should be amazing . fingers crossed for good weather
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