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Papa Manual

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About Papa Manual

  • Birthday 10/20/1986

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  • Real Name
    Jon Granger
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  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Street, gym, reading, getting Granged, the usual.
  • Location
    Guernsey/Keele Uni

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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Greetings friends of old and new. I'm probably writing this in the wrong forum, posting in an incorrect thread, or committing another kind of online atrocity the like of which occur with such irregularity that any offender tends to be vigorously berated, so I apologise in advance. Does anyone know where I can find a full track listing for all of the Sprung Video Magazine videos? I’ve had a little search around on here and on Google and I’ve had little success.
  2. I seem to remember from about ten years ago there was a trialsrider.com bloke whose nickname was Teflon because he was rumoured to have once used it to assist him whilst entering his girlfriend from around the back. Bit of trivia.
  3. Well I tend to pop up once a year or so . Cheers Ben!
  4. This summer (dates TBC) I'm going to be cycling from Lands End to John o'Groats for a local homeless support charity in Staffordshire. I've got a friend from uni coming with me and we're hoping to raise a couple of grand. If anyone is interested in coming along add me on Facebook at facebook.com/jag2010 or e-mail me at jag2010@gmail.com. The more the merrier!
  5. Nice to see that, after a long break from TF, there are still dickheads about .
  6. Great riding, loads of big moves. Buuuut I think you're more at home TGSing. Saying that, it has almost forced me to get my bike out and that hasn't happened in a while.
  7. A few of you might have heard of the Canadian Tar Sands. For those of you that haven't it is an area of land in Canada which contains petroleum deposits amongst mixtures of other materials which make up the ground. Because oil is becoming more and more scarce these sands have recently been considered to form part of the worlds total oil reserves and, as such, efforts are being made to extract the oil from the sand. This causes massive environmental harm before the oil is even refined as it screws with the local ecosystem and turns an otherwise beautiful area into a shittip. Bad times. To refine it (so that it can be turned into petrol/diesel/plastics etc) has (conservatively) twice as much of a detrimental impact than refining normal oil. Greenhouse gases are released at a massive rate. Energy efficiency is also very low. Though I've been following what's being going on with the tar sands for some time, I stumbled across this today. I think it's great that students are going out and raising awareness of an issue which sails under the radar for most people, whether kids or adults. Donate to them! The majority of people on TF have a reasonable disposable income and it's your future, so get on it. What's the point in corporations and governments spending a shitload of cash on another venture which just prolongs humanity's illogical dependence on oil when the money could be spent on developing and implementing something more sustainable?
  8. Just played with a remapper and it is receiving a 'ky' input from striking the 'k' key, 'me' from stricking 'e', '64' from the '6' key, etc. Arrrrrrgh!!! Pretty sure. I've only had this problem from spills but all seems dry and I'm the only one who uses it.
  9. Yeah, checked that. Thinking motherboard? Only 9 months old .
  10. I've got a problem with my Samsung NC130. Certain buttons on the keyboard show up different letters on the screen. When I type 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' I get 'thme qiuiucky brown fox jiumeps ovmer thme lazky dog'. I've restored the system to an earlier point, checked the regional settings, fiddled with connection on the motherboard, virus checked and booted it on Ubuntu (where it was the same). Don't think i've spilt anything on it or anything. Any ideas? Running XP SP3 / Ubuntu.
  11. I'm invested in a variety of different things which, on average, cancel out each others losses and my portfolio as a whole is gradually growing quite nicely. I also use TD, but only because I used to use eTrade and once that shut down it was automatically moved across. I've got a quite a lot of shares from previous jobs I've worked in and funnily enough these are the worst performing stocks I own! Bastards. Due to the nature of my previous job I used to pretty much day trade and made some really good gains now quite regularly. Now, with uni and stuff, I've sold everything I consider to be volatile and moved the cash into safer areas.
  12. Like the garden. Wish my parents had let me do that! Nice video, keep at it.
  13. I've got Ubuntu 10.04 running on a Samsung R710. I booted using the Ubunu Live CD and repartitioned the HDD (as it was only in one partition, containing Ubuntu 10.04) to create a space to install Windows XP Pro SP3. At this point everything was lava. Just to make sure everything was fine I ran Ubuntu and had a little look around. All was great and I could see the partition whilst at the same time everything still worked on Ubuntu. From there I restarted and booted from the Win CD and installed it on the new partition. Now when I start the laptop it comes up with 'Disk error, press any key to reboot' (or something very similar). When I do press any key it just repeats the message. To clarify, neither operating system works. Any ideas? I've thought that it's perhaps because the computer doesn't know which operating system to use as the dual boot program thingy hasn't been set up. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Anyone riding anywhere in the Midlands tomorrow? Want to ride and there's no one about!
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