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    Paul Wood
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    United Kingdom

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  1. I might be out around 12ish dependent on the weather
  2. I'm normally about during the week for a ride. Just let us know when your out Cheers Woody
  3. Amazing! pretty sure i was there for that, it may have even been my first trial. Would be good to see the other results if you've got them
  4. Damn you Ben, for a minute there i thought you and Jim had dusted down the bikes for a new video! good stuff all the same. good luck for the baby.
  5. As the title suggests, maybe in town tomoz for a couple hours if anyone fancys a ride?
  6. Gonna pop down thurs night if anyone fancies it?
  7. Yeah been on them rocks but there's too many lines when your on your own, spoilt for choice! I'll prob go down after work wed/thurs. Let us know if your about woody
  8. Anyone fancy a ride at Crosby coastguard station one night this week? Let us know cheers woody
  9. u still up for some street? might head out about 12ish
  10. Anyone up for a ride on sat?probably round 11ish?
  11. yeah next week should be ok. Maybe Monday?
  12. Ok mate, I'll keep an eye on the weather. Maybe wed or thurs?
  13. maybe new brighton or albert dock area in the week, but weather doesn't look promising!
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