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Ben Beckett

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Everything posted by Ben Beckett

  1. HMV you cheap skate lol dunna try asking google or chacha<search with guide is funny and beasty. edit...fixed link
  2. fukking awesome.....loads of brill vids
  3. hahah, wud have loved to have been there........if i saw him push max i wud have battered him........fukking peasant attacking a cripple. lmao lmao
  4. that is some seriously nice piece of kit....... would look so nice with a chris king ont the back.......interested?? speak to me on msn or pm me buddy
  5. haha ye man, that roof is shit, will most likely fall through into there house.......and get arrested for 'BREAKING AND ENTERING' lmao, plus there is a really gay edge on that roof.....this bit of metal sticking up..........can't rip it off cuz kurts mum will know......plus, can't wreck much more in my estate.....already fukked that fence. lmaoN beckett. cheers for replys k12232 keep em comin please
  6. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    what the fukk is that? lol
  7. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    not really......... fire needs oxygen.
  8. Gaz, could you put it on tv.isg, my shite youtube ain't working anymore, and wanna see your beasty riding cheers
  9. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    BOVVERED? jus move to the moon apparently "Our Moon formed from this debris"
  10. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    (time machine) back in time.... shoot the people that invemted the bomb the gays that invented the nuclear bomb. EQUALS, NO BOMB
  11. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    shove the c4 in ere. won't do fack all (couldnt find that really strong safe off of 'brainiac')
  12. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    EDIT; fukkin pic ain't workin
  13. nice one conor..... was a great vid, bit too slow n all that at start for my liking, but got better as it progressed. my favourate bit was near the end of the MBK clips (before the ko bikes) because it was a lot faster and a bit more fun too watch. ben the buckett(Y)
  14. Made a wee vid of riding in my estate, bout 3.5 mins long, was made about a month n a bit ago, eeeongdeegle link thing:@ comments much appretiated... may be the last
  15. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    Can't see the tank..
  16. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    That's OK, he'll just run the ©unt over.....
  17. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    he will get away before he is caught
  18. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    safe innit.....dik ed, e like hotwires it innit like.
  19. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    feed that shitty chainsaw to this beast lmao
  20. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    they will kill the sheet out of cj . hahahaha
  21. Ben Beckett

    Picture War

    they would get away with the murder. lmao
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