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eddbmxdude last won the day on October 6 2011

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About eddbmxdude

  • Birthday 03/10/1987

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    United Kingdom

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Hi everyone, The UK unicycle trials championships will be held over the late May bank holiday at Radical Bikes in Essex! Everyone is welcome and we're trying to encourage new riders along. We'll have beginner riding workshops as well as some trials workshops for those who can already ride. Full details and tickets are available on the STFU London website: http://www.stfulondon.co.uk/uk-unicycle-trials-championships-2019/ See you there
  2. Apologies for the late notice, but it's only just occurred to me that some of you bike trials riders might be interested in this. We're holding the UK Unicycle Trials Championships over the late May bank holiday weekend. It'll be at Radical Bikes and everyone is welcome. You don't even need to be able to ride a unicycle to attend. We'll have plenty of learner unicycles for you to have a go on. We'll also have the current trials world champion, Mark Fabian, giving workshops. For full details and to buy tickets, see our website: http://www.stfulondon.co.uk/stfu-presents-uk-trials-championships/
  3. Wasn't sure where to put this, so I'll leave it here. A snap I got from the Ozonys ride in London a couple of weeks ago.
  4. Cheers guys, glad you enjoyed it. I left Voodoo Unicycles last week after falling out with Jason. Would be super shit if this video blows up just afterwards
  5. Hi guys, I know some of you enjoy our videos so I thought I'd post this one. We roadtripped around the Scottish highlands to see what there was to ride. We took a professional cameraman with us and this is what he came up with! I actually shot the stuff of Mike riding the bridge at the end. Genuinely never been that scared in my life. I was shaking from the adrenaline rush just watching him do it. Enjoy! Edd
  6. My favourite part was when he told George he loved him and asked where he lived :kiss: Oh, and when he bitchslapped the other hobo that was nicking his stuff when his back was turned. Haha.
  7. Rode Cov yesterday. Met the King of Morocco.
  8. Haha, awesome. Good effort. But why did you come to Dunstable to ride?
  9. Haha, cheers guys. Im too street to film natural vids. My snapback would get dirty from fallin gin the mud. Gotta admit, I do like panning to the floor sometimes and film burn can work sometimes. Was more to poke fun than anything else.
  10. Hey guys, We made this video on how to be street. It doesn't just apply to unicycles, you can take all of these tips to any extreme sport and film a top street video. Enjoy! http://youtu.be/Qkx1mnn5CUM Edd
  11. I did an apprenticship in engineering and got my HNC. Had a fiance and shared a flat with her. Had a deskjob in a design office for 6 years. Everything went tits up with the girl and the job got mundane and I started to hate being stuck in the rat race. It was so dull and everyday I would daydream about just being outside and riding. One day I realised that I could be stuck in a job like that forever and look back on my life with regret, so I handed in my notice. Was the scariest thing I've ever done but definitely the best decision I've ever made. Im now doing a media course, I've always wanted to make sick riding videos and I'm setting up Voodoo Unicycles to earn me money to live on. The work is unreliable and jobs are few and far between at the moment. Im living in a cabin at the bottom of my parents garden and I can barely afford fuel to go riding but I am really happy. I actually enjoy living on a shoestring budget. When you can't afford to buy anything it really makes you appreciate the value of money. Im planning on building up Voodoo, starting after schools clubs teaching kids how to ride, more demos and hopefully get some international work to allow me to travel. I just don't want to settle for a 'normal' life. Almost went down that path and it just doesn't appeal to me.
  12. Went out and shot mine last night but it was dark and windy and I nailed myself soooooooo hard before I'd even got the camera out. Might refilm it.
  13. I don't have a bike but I have a unicycle and I've been after a bike for a while. Can I enter on my unicycle? Obviously I'll follow all the other rules, I'd just be on one wheel.
  14. eddbmxdude


    Here's my effort so far.
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