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Everything posted by Brettoll

  1. Whats the general optinoin on this new steed?? I love the look of it. If only I had the money.....
  2. Anyone riding on satrday?? Might give the bike one last ride before I sell it brett
  3. its 40 quid without camping 15 extra with camping for the weekend Ticketmaster
  4. Ahh just remembered I will be late out lol. I will be at church in the morning. I will have to catch everyone up.
  5. Wicked, it would be good to meet some other reading riders as i ride with street and dirt riders mostly . Ok hows about 11.30 outside marks and spencers peeps??
  6. Anyone game for a ride on easter sunday??
  7. Ok anyone who can make it, going to be at the blocks outside m and s round 8.30
  8. Anyone fancy riding Reading monday night??
  9. Thers nothing wrong with nape piercings, ive had two!! My ex had corset piercings down her back. Now that was cool.
  10. Brettoll

    My bike

    Pics of my bike
  11. Brettoll


    From the album: My bike

  12. Brettoll


    From the album: My bike

  13. Brettoll


    From the album: My bike

  14. Brettoll


    From the album: My bike

  15. Ok being a student I have all the time I want on my hands, so im going riding on thursday so if anyone else is about, it will be cool to see people. Brett
  16. Hello everyone, Just a lil thread to see if anyones riding reading anytime soon?? Brett
  17. Cheers guys. Muchos gacias
  18. I'm going to be re-colouring my frame and i was wondering if anyone who has done it before knows where the best place to get the paints for it. I dont want a crappy piked bike spray job!! The designs ive run up i need a matt black for the base colour with pink for the custom decals and a lacquer? Any info would be helpful.
  19. Brettoll

    For Sale

  20. Brettoll

    TMS EVO 3

  21. Brettoll


    Bike related art
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