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Everything posted by Brettoll

  1. Ok, im being a tard. Ive got a set of hope minis, the rear is perfectly fine. The front however the pads are so close together I can't get it on the rotor. Any suugestions. Lol.
  2. Anyone about then?? Im finally going to be riding at long last.
  3. The one level trials game on MBUK with the skip. I miss it lol When Jamie Hibbard worked for MBUK and had green hair. Ashtons faceplant on chainspotting and the awesome soundtrack to that entire video. I miss the old days of having free time to ride every day.
  4. Got a set of 170mm Echo cranks anyway. Thanks for the replies though.
  5. I think its rough. What are they playing at!! They need to get their ideas sorted out and get back to making trials bikes.
  6. Has anyone seen the new monty street bike on Cleanbikes?? What do people think??
  7. Has anyone seen the new monty street bike on Cleanbikes?? What do people think??
  8. Right my phones out of action but if its sorted by then my numbers 07739845636 and my name is Brett, thinking of meeting at hexagon at 4ish so people can get home form work etc etc and get going again. Sound ok??
  9. Ahh im in London for the week from sunday. Sorry.
  10. Anyone up for a roll on friday?? If its not too wet of course.
  11. Thanks guys, tried the superglue methd, ended up spinning the glue. So time to find soem stronger stuff. Any good ones??
  12. I've made a boo boo. Lol. I rounded off one of the bolts on my disc whilst trying to remove it. Help me, I need to get it out asap and cheaply. Any ideas??
  13. What about a Revell? Ive got pretty much a complete bike going for 420 posted.......all it needs is bars and stem.
  14. Check out this site, its a bargain for lil touches for your bike. Linky Just gotta work out what size my bolts are now lol Brett
  15. Hi i'm Brett, I live in Woodley near reading and ride both. Reading is renound for its trials hot spots, Woodley is also a littel goldmine too with the precinct. So there.
  16. Yay!! Someone to ride the precinct and Dinton with, joy!! Ok im not working friday now!! SO if everyones still up for it how does an 10.30/11a.m start at the rocks outside marks and spencers sound??
  17. Yes my ring is that small...
  18. Also how many riders are there in Woodley??? DO many ride the precinct as its going to be (one of) my practice grounds again.
  19. Well im out saturday evening too again after work @ 6, damn jobs getting in the way of important riding time.
  20. Right firday seems a good time then.....im working til 6 though....so unless its an early evening ride??
  21. Does exactly what it says on the tin......
  22. Ahh should really start reading past the first page. Cheers mate. lol
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