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Everything posted by max-t

  1. I've been with orange/EE for years and its f**king wank. I've only just been able to get on now as it hasn't been working for 4 days.
  2. Very nicely shot and put together Lewis. Is this your L lens?
  3. max-t

    Bristol short 2

    We went for a wonder on saturday and filmed some stuff. Again, very short but I hope you can enjoy it as you wouldn't of seen any of these spots
  4. This topic isn't too active at the moment, so here's one from last night in Bristol
  5. Im SOOO up for this GETcreative contest, Lets get on it!!!

    1. TOMTRIALS123


      'Go like the wind Bullseye!'

  6. max-t

    GETcreative 2

    I will be participating this time
  7. max-t


    Great vid dude, loved the song, smooth flowy riding and nice editing. Good job!
  8. Beautiful technique on the front wheel moves and the french swap at the end was sick. Make a video!
  9. max-t

    Casual ride

    Yeah me too, both the colour and feel of the bike is much nicer. I am enjoying trials more than i have now for a long time, so i will definitely be making more videos this summer
  10. Nice videos. It looks like you guys have a lot of fun when you are riding.... It won't be long until someone says something about the girl rider. Guaranteed
  11. max-t

    Weekend group ride

    Probably cos' I quit for 2 years, Damon Still haven't rode with you! So it would be nice Love you too, we could do Brum sometime soon like old times? Consider it done Mr Mc.
  12. Dude, I'm not that happy right now but if you could post that 'Muel.. Don't wear it out video' from ages ago I feel that a post in this topic would be justified...
  13. Not far off, Only just below bar height
  14. Great video guys and LOL at that inner tube at the start...
  15. max-t

    Weekend group ride

    I'm selling my short silver one Thanks alot Thank you buddy ! Expect more .
  16. Ok so It's TGS and it probably doesn't match up to my recent uploaded content, but here is the footage me and a couple of mates got this weekend in Worcester and Bristol. There weren't many clips but I managed to scrape something together quickly for you guys. Enjoy
  17. Yep, repost. It is good though.
  18. max-t

    Casual ride

    Yeah it is, but filming hand held with a 50mm without a steady cam is quite a challenge! Yeah This one is new, I had a silver short one (which you see at the start of the vid) to start with and I just couldnt get on with it. Too short for me and no one wants to buy it
  19. max-t

    Casual ride

    Naa, they're afraid of me Thankyou Thanks a lot. Looks like I'll have to make some more of these in the near future if this one is going down well thanks every body
  20. All it is is a lot of practice and as soon as you know your front tyre has cleared the front of the wall you need to throw your weight forward and aim for the corner. You cant really think about it when you are doing it as it's such a quick movement, but if you start with smaller stuff, get the technique spot on the height and consistency will come in time. A lot of it is psychological, not committing and thinking 'what if i come up short with the front wheel and go over the bars' but once you get a feel for it the move kind of becomes muscle memory.
  21. max-t

    Casual ride

    Giro Xen in Olive.
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