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Everything posted by max-t

  1. max-t

    Craig Lee Scott

    What? no sidehops?
  2. max-t

    Kenny Belaey Demo

    Although I have seen alot of demo videos I have to say I really enjoyed that! Good to see the Americans are enjoying it aswell.
  3. BUMP for the newbies Youtube link in 3rd post
  4. Cool video there. Good choice of frame too I was going to say how the f**k does he get away with getting so on top of walls when he goes to back wheel so much. Then I saw the bails at the end lol.
  5. 4 suitcases, 3 people, 3 duvets,3 pillows, 2 sleeping bags, 2 stocks, 2 tents, 2 rucksacks, a stove and cooking equipment, a box of food to last a month,a massive toolbox and a partridge in a pear tree. Doesn't really count though. Audi A4 Estate lol.
  6. There seems to be some very good riding up your way. Very good video indeed, so good that I am going to watch it again!
  7. If you have a background or have had experience with mountain bikes go with a 26". It is what you will be accomplished and familliar with. Even though it doesnt really matter, I'd say start with a wheel size that you have ridden before and if you feel like a change once you get the basics down then think about the change. obviously people will say start on 20, start on 26 because it's what they ride and like. There isn't a 'set in stone' route you should take to start, just go with what you are familliar with. EDIT: Yer,theres 24 too which will feel similar to 26 if you want to do the rolling spinny street stuff
  8. Horrible geo, but I like the fact they have beefed it up to suit the street riders
  9. max-t

    Eurotrip 2011

    Looked like an awesome trip. As said those rail lines were intense . This needs more views and comments!
  10. This camera films in 50i (interlaced) which is what those llines are. When you render it save it as HD 720 25p and it will blend these together.
  11. max-t

    Crazy Rider.

    Ayyyy Brummmmottttiiiii!!!
  12. That interlacing on the video was horrible,get rid of it next time. The track quality was lacking too Didn't enjoy it anywhere as near as your other videos im afraid.
  13. And you know what this guy^^^ says about the MAD Phase is true because lets face it, he's notgonnalie.
  14. I am a member, but When I download it, it is out of sync.
  15. Does anybody have the second one on their harddrive? I need it and can't download from vimeo.
  16. Sorry, but I didn't like the intro at all, far too long and over dramatic. It's a trials internet video and doesn't need all of those credits and dragged out introduction. There didn't seen to be any camerawork and tripod shots in the whole video can make it boring. Next time try and use some unique, interesting and different camera angles.Regarding the editing, try to cut out the setting up and track standing because people don't want to be waiting for you to actually perform the move they just want you to get on with it! Apart from that you have a strong foundation to build on as your riding for 2 years is very controlled and precise, so well done for that.
  17. max-t


    Some Koxx days, Bikeshow, NASS and a street ride in france. No Massive riding or anything and its not a video. Contains some silly behavior also, so be warned. RIP Gavin Bedford.
  18. I Don't care that it's a repost, whoever hasn't seen it has to. Probably one of the best rides i've ever been on too. Such a fun day!
  19. Told me Echos were shit and Zoo! was the only way Neil.....
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