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Everything posted by trials_mad

  1. I have tried to do this technique you have said and everyone i ride with say the same way you have said but i can't quite get it. I am not sure whether to hop with my backwheel as high as the wall. I guess it is just practise i suppose.
  2. My mate got his off [url=http://www.ebay.co.uk] and the 203 rotor is really sharp. If i were you i would down size a bit unless you want a mega strong front brake.
  3. I live in the South East and i have travelled quite far and i have found that Folkestone is a really good place to ride as there is some advanced places to go and some beginner places so the different places you go is Folkestone is varied in difficulty. I have also heard that London is probably the best place to go as you meet lots of other riders who you can socialize with and that there is a lot of advanced things to do there
  4. I would get the new Echo Team frame because it is said that no-one has been able to break one yet and also my brother has one and the frame is lighter than i thought as well!
  5. I have found that magic pads work immense on a harsh grind. They also work really well on an alex rim but you have to keep a rough grind for maximum stopping performance. If that is still not enough, then i normally wear some tar into the grind and the tar stays in all the grooves on the grind and this will be a very solid back brake!
  6. It is better to use 1 finger braking as you do get more control over the bike. Also when you are on your back wheel you need to angle the levers so they are straight out for your fingers to grab and that they are not angled so it feels unatural. Again when you are putting the levers on the bars i usually have mine about 1inch away from the end of the grips (depends on the size of your hands) and the lever out so i can just grip it with the end of my finger. This way you maximise the ammount of control you have within your hands. Hope this helps
  7. I am going riding tommorow so i will hopefully get a video for you and you may recognise it when you see the tecnique.
  8. I have rounded many bolts of before and i have found a way to get them out. Basically just take a pair of strong mole grips or pipe grips if you have them and just tighten them and twist them just as you would with an allen key etc. If you grip the head of the bolt tight enough and twist then it will come out with ease. I would also recommend that if you tend to keep rounding more bolts of then buy a good ratchet, with adaptor, with an extension bar and this gives you more leverage and you tend not to round bolts of as much as you would with an allen key. Hope this helps
  9. I have just started sidehopping and i am up to about 29inches now. I was with some mates and they noticed that i lean right over the bars when sidehopping. Apparently this is called 'salmon sidehopping' don't ask why ???? Also because i ride a short frame i keep bashing my knees on the stem because of this shidehopping technique. Just wondering whether anyone else has heard of this technique or im my case actually sidehop like this. Cheers
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