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Everything posted by trials_mad

  1. When you are rolling up to do the 180 crouch down as this ill give you propulsion up. As you start to pull, up flick your body round whilst looking over you shoulder the way you spin. This will enable your body to follow your head position. Turn the bars aswell as this will give you rotation momentum and twist your shoulders. When you land compress hard on the backwheel and this will enable you to get a smoother landing.
  2. Persoanlly i think that the echo tyres will be better for street riding as they have thick side walls and i have owned both the echo and the maxxis and the echo ones i have found are better for street riding as they dont stick to the ground as much as the maxxis and they roll better than the maxxis.
  3. what bike do you ride?

  4. Yet i ride left foot forward and sidehop to the right I think it is just what you prefer and find easiest. There isn't a certain way you are meant to do it, i think.
  5. I would agree with most of the above who are saying Avid BB7. They are awesome brakes and you can find them on ebay. I found 1 on ebay with a 185 rotor and it was a really good but. I love them, much better than maguras. If you do get 1 then make sure you bed it in by going down a big hill with the brake on slightly until the disk gets really hot and then pour cold water on the disk. Do this until the disk gets sharper and sharper.
  6. I have been riding for about a year a 2 months now but i only have time for maybe 2 days a week to ride, so not that brilliant for the time i have been riding.
  7. I am about 5ft 5 and i have a Zona which is very long with a Echo Team stem and this suits me with my height just fine
  8. I would suggest bleeding them with de-ionised water as i have bled them with this and they have not frozen yet (touch wood) or if not then something like baby oil as this will aslo not freeze.
  9. I saw that your name was gas gas so i was gathering that you may ride motorbike trials and this is always on TV on Eurosport. Have a look if you have sky.
  10. I would advise you to get a try-all freewheel as my brother and my mate has had 1 and they have not skipped or had any problems with them. You can get this from tartybike.co.uk for £50 exactly.
  11. I have recently ripped the ligaments in my ankle and i was wondering whether anyone else has down it at all and how long it took them to re-cover and get back riding. I have had ice on it for about 5 days now and still not better. I really want to ride but i can't How annoying.
  12. I am currently working on a video with my mates and i will post it up in New members as soon as it is finished. Oh and it is not a bial video, sorry
  13. I'm also happy because i managed to sidehop up a wall about 36inches today, SIX times in a row. I have been trying this a long time and then i just went and did it. WOW
  14. I would definately buy some of the brake levers as they can be bought seperately and can fit onto existing maguras. Also they look far more stronger than the old ones and from the picture it looks as if they have a concealed TPA which means there is nothing to snap off.
  15. Im pretty sure that when people refer to having rigid forks it is when they are really stiff and do not have flex or give in them. Personally i feel this is a good thing as with forks that flex it feels like they will snap anytime.
  16. Like the video mate, but 1 thing did get me wondering is that you pedal kick with your right foot forward but sidehop to the left. I kick with my left foot yet sidehop to the right aswell as you. Does kicking with your right foot forward and sidehopping to the right seem hard as you may get your foot trapped in places? Just wondering thats all
  17. My advice would to be quite harsh when grinding the rim and not run the angle grinder round in a regular pattern with the same lenght strokes with the grinder. Try to make little stabs at the rim and this will give you the roughness of a good grind.
  18. When your jeans got caught a bit of the jeans may have come off and wrapped round the freewheel or all inside the chain. The clunk may have just been where your freewheel skipped. I will also recommend that you take your chain off and the crank and remove the freewheel to see if there is something that may have got caught inside and is preventing the freewheel form spinning.
  19. I thought I might just add..... It's worth getting to know how your magura works and having a play with it because the knowledge will be invaluable later on.
  20. How long have you had it? If its still relatively new then maybe let it wear in. I don't suggest you try cleaning it out to speed up the process as they don't have sealed bearings.
  21. I think that they're only worth it if you're constantly breaking them. Also I've heard that Unex stuff from supercycles leaks.
  22. 2005 Zoo! bars seeing as the newer ones don't feel as nice.
  23. They can, if set up correctly, work and hold better than a magura. If you do get one then I suggest you get an Avid BB7. They are easy to set up, fairly maintenance free and there is no bleeding involved. The only down side is that if it is hit majorly then you mibht have to fork out for a new disc.
  24. Zona zip nearly all red parts on it. Just right for me, people say it is too long but it is just perfect for my standards
  25. I too also have problems with gapping but my brother is quite good at gapping and he has told me to lower the front wheel before gapping. Also try a preload and compress the rear wheel just before you kick as this gives you spring to gain height. The last point that i was told was to really get low before kicking and virtually sit on the back wheel and throw yourself forward and the bike will follow. This is the same when landing try and push the bike forward and lean back to gain maximum distance.
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